Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monopoly Door Decorations

single labor savings of businesses (and their consequences for the family)

addition to the family companies can realize savings, savings that can be used to fund any investment.

For investment means the purchase of goods and services but not intended to be used in the production process .

For example, while the shoes are good for private consumption, the trader is a good production (also called a factor of production).

Il risparmio dell’impresa si può realizzare attraverso due sistemi non necessariamente alternativi:

- riduzione dei costi di produzione;

- aumento del margine di guadagno.

Il risparmio ottenuto può essere destinato:

- a finanziare investimenti nella stessa impresa oppure

- a finanziare altri soggetti economici (prestiti).

Di conseguenza i finanziamenti dei quali può usufruire l’impresa possono come from equity or loan from power.

If equity capital derived from profits of the company or from contributions made by members you have an internal or domestic financing .

But if the funds are derived from power of loans made by third parties outside the company you have an external financing or debt .

funding, made possible by savings allow the company to make investments that usually involves the purchase of factories, machinery or equipment with the scopo di mantenere la qualità produttiva e/o di incrementare o diversificare la produzione e comunque, come precedentemente precisato, di essere usati nel processo produttivo.

Penso sia chiaro, a questo punto, che imprese e famiglie sono intimamente legate l’una all’altra e che ciò che economicamente succede in una influenza direttamente l’altra.

Infatti se diminuisce il reddito medio delle famiglie queste acquistano meno beni e servizi dalle imprese le quali, a fronte di minori ricavi, saranno costrette a licenziare alcuni dipendenti contribuendo così a far diminuire ulteriormente il reddito familiare medio.

situation triggers, the economy, a negative spiral can be stopped only with the state contribution by lending to households conducted in various ways (eg lower taxes on income, consumption incentives, etc...)

the contrary, an increase in family income increases consumption by allowing more revenue for businesses, which will have the opportunity to increase investment to increase production and hire new workers as engaging a spiral tendency for positive 'economy.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Heal Mouth Cuts From Braces

Planning Survival Kit

Well, since I'm leaving for a nice trip through remote landscapes giungleschi, I thought to write a little 'about the long-range or parkour parkour planetarium.
This type of move could be part of the group "long-distance / scan" (from the post about the ): the most important things are, therefore, la pianificazione, la tecnica di sopravvivenza e l'intelligeza sociale.
Senza tediarvi troppo con la concettualizzazione, passo alle questioni pratiche. Il kit di sopravvivenza. Avevo già accennato all'importanza di quest'oggetto , ed in questi mesi ho progettato e realizzato il mio personalissimo kit. Ricordate comunque che io non sono un medico e, sebbene mi sia fatto consigliare da medici esperti e viaggiatori di professione, tutto ciò che leggete io lo sperimento sulla mia pelle a mio rischio e pericolo.

  1. Provetta di plastica (ad Amsterdam conteneva uno spinello :)) contenete 3 cloves of 6 cm and a blade cutter (you can build a pawl, for triggering traps, shelter .. the blade can be used for first aid) kits
  2. fish hooks with hooks of different sizes and a beautiful skein of nylon
  3. Betadine resistant to potable water (bottle of eye drops), 4 drops of H20 L clear, decant an hour, or 8 drops per L of H20 cloudy, decant for 1 hour. In addition it will disinfect the wounds (in the journey is more important to disinfect that when you train in the house)
  4. Pencil, you never know who wants to write a poem .. Emergency!
  5. sewing kit with needles of different sizes, safety pins and a skein of about ten meters in very strong and very thin nylon thread
  6. Silica gel to absorb moisture in the box
  7. wire for drying clothes with elastic springs with
  8. rubber tube to drink from a small hole
  9. Waterproof Bag with a sheet of paper, a sterile gauze and tape format family
  10. hair band
  11. Whistle Compass
  12. emergency tank (a plastic bag to be inserted in the lid of a plastic bottle cut, with elastic to secure it)
  13. Kit
  14. fire (always in one of those plastic tubes of Amsterdam): candle, matches, windproof and waterproof.
  15. Reflective surface for signaling
  16. Medicines with information collated and plastic: Formistin (antihistamine), Dissenten (diarrhea), Tachipirina (fever, flu) and azithromycin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic for emergencies)
  17. box ready for the trip, compared in size with 3D glasses for movies (I saw Avatar)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mr Super Clear Is Acrylic?


With the publication in the Official Gazette No. 15 of 20 January 2010 Decree shall enter into force on 18 December 2009, No. 206.

In case of absence due to illness, the availability times of employees of public administrations are fixed at the following times:
from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 18.
The requirement also exists in the availability of non-working days and holidays.

are excluded from the obligation to respect the availability times of employees to which the absence is etiologically traceable to one of the following circumstances:

a) serious illnesses that require life-saving therapies;
b) Accidents at work;
c) diseases for which has been recognized as the cause of service;
d) pathological states underlying or related to the situation of a recognized disability.
Also excluded are employees in respect of which tax has already been carried out the survey for the period specified in the certificate of prognosis.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sore Spots On My Pregnant Tummy

Former substance for new forms

This video has participated in the review Walls and Borders, in the Torino Film Festival 2009 and was produced by a collaboration between Andrea Zambelli Andrea Salimbene and me. The court did not
aims to represent the Parkour motor in its development. Rather, the attempt was to show, through a kind of metaphorical way, the tendency towards self-improvement, personal growth and overcoming obstacles. What makes a discipline parkour.
Assembly and the director have therefore focused on the emotional transportation and aesthetics at the expense of objectivity that is so dear to me .. this video is so totally out of my policy on ethics in parkour video . I hope I do not want and you can understand how, in making a video with this particular and difficult goal, I had to find mediation. The decision to use
Tsunemoto of the Hagakure was not random, this text has always been a source of inspiration for me and its synthetic nature and epigraphic lent itself perfectly for this purpose. From the choice of text with the title as it may change the shape of the container, its usefulness is that it is empty.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Can U Drink Alcohal While Taking Sulfamethox

n.671 By order of December 18, 2009 were held the following selections:





DEADLINE: January 18, 2010

To download the announcements visit ASS 5 "Low Friulana" click on competitions, then select reserved to employees.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where Can I Buy Platypus Venom

Fetish, consumerism, utilitarianism and shoes

There are different ways of seeing, the "question of shoes." Overall it is divided into two branches, technical, and minimalist. The engineers invest in shoes that have a good grip, a good cushioning and a little ' style (which never hurts), while the minimalists argue that parkour shoe should cost little and be only a protection for the foot (that actually should be naked). Generally opt for the minimalist Kalenji (Decathlon), some more for fashion than for a range of field technicians instead range from Airake (K-swiss) to the latest Mizuno racing, the Salomon, always looking for the best performance.

I admit, I'm an engineer. But I have good arguments, give me the benefit of the doubt.

The my conception of parkour is a discipline wide, still in training. I try to practice it in appertutto, with all the meteorological conditions, I feel the movement even when I'm going to the bar (or, more complex, when I'm coming). So my approach at this juncture, clashes with a more fragmented type "parkour Wednesday and Friday from 16 to 18." Here, then, that the "parkour shoe" concept becomes a bit 'vague because I'm trying to get on your feet, always, the shoes that they can be effective in a wide range of situations (which I do not know when it might occur). So I can not trust a minimalist that would reduce the range of use for the sole event parkour. So my choice is, at least lately, on shoes trail running che si adattano a quasi qualsiasi situazione, dalla neve alla spiaggia, dalla serata sballona all'esame universitario. Per quanto riguarda i tecnici che si prendono delle buone scarpe da running, dico buona scelta ma possibile poca aderenza se si esce dalla città. Per quanto riguarda i tecnici che prendono le Airake (o altre scarpe esepressamente da parkour), dico molto male: benino sull'asfalto, molto male fuori.

Ora, per chi è interessato, butto lì qualche info utile..
  • Tenere d'occhio questi siti: La Sportiva , Salomon , Asics , Adidas , Mizuno , Runners world. Especially in Runner's World found numerous reviews of trail running shoes. New Balance also recommend but there is little market in Italy.
  • Date look here, even if we do not share exactly the same vision.
  • Take some time to run the various sports shops or superstore and try, try and try again shoes.
  • attention to the composition of the sole, no hard plastic inserts. Unfortunately I
  • little indication as to what are the best patent in terms of shock absorbing sole, and then your tests.
  • Find a good weight ratio as the sole
  • Perforated upper for breathability and waterproof gore-tex.
  • protected location.
  • The shoe you have to like it, otherwise we jump to wrong (references to the issue of body image and performance, sports psychology).
  • Zompa on balances or shoes from last season (including savings of 30-50%).
  • careful not to take the shoes if you pronators supine or vice versa ( what the hell is a pronator? And supinator? )

ps: I have just taken LaSportiva Wild Cat of the season passed. I'm also taking a eseprimento: I took the women's version (plant thinner) to see if, over time, will expand less than those for men. 'll Let you know ..