Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Moonstone Ring How To Make Maplestory

Aesthetics? Small gifts

remember exactly what David Belle, in an interview (I think in a trip to NY), emphasizes the "style" of a movement is to be put into the background, the ability to complete a "problem", that is to concentrate more on the physical qualities that allow us to perform one or more large movements (explosiveness, strength, focus, safety, etc. ..) rather than sharpen the lightness, the coordination and technique that allow us to maintain a perfect flow. I understand what the point of view of David Belle, moved pure utilitarianism: a firefighter who jumps off a roof and saves lives, 'Fuck the flow! But ..

I think some of aesthetics (it comes to natural beauty ), we are caught in the genes, during the long period in which hominids evolved may have set an aesthetic sense for movements done well cared for and safe. The adaptive value of this aesthetic sense is easily explained: I recognize the beauty in a well-executed movement (read safe, quiet and efficient), I try to imitate the beautiful (I focus more on the efficiency of my movements). Of course it's all a house of cards, my.

The fact remains that many students, like me, try in parkour not only an integrated system to overcome obstacles, but a total discipline, which allows us to continue to grow forever. Hence the "flow" takes an important place in my parkour. The value of "style", which we recognize now as when we see beauty from outside, is two-fold when we analyze it from within: it is a good way to stay focused on the present moment, the movement you are doing and not on what we wait a few seconds, and a meter that allows us to measure how " own motion."

Discipline is not so much about imposing something than focusing on what you do and try to give what you do some efficiency and style. So there's no like "I focus now because I'm training". Training is all the time and never ends, especially regarding the little details of life. If we take a seat, we try to be as silent and light as possible. If we open a door, same. We want to use a few energy as possible in the daily routine. We want to break the daily routine by being aware. That's discipline.

PS: Tra le due fotografie, quale movimento appaga maggiormente il vostro senso estetico? ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

License Name And Number For Plato Dvd Ripper

ego ..

Lo so, lo so, ma ho una buona scusa. Il videino (una giornata tra riprese e montaggio) che ho prodotto è dedicato a tutti i bergamaschi che spingono qualcosa, che lo fanno da tempo e con fotta, perchè la nostra è una promessa reciproca: tu spingi la tua roba che noi spingiamo la nostra, e tutti insieme siamo orgogliosi e contenti. Forse dall'esterno sembrerà un po' strano, ma la scena underground bergamasca è, per quanto possibile, integrata e solidale. Bergamo è un buco, ci si conosce tutti e ci si spinge. Troppo tempo è passato dalle mie ultime produzioni video e troppa gente continua a chiedermi se ho in programma nuovi video. Io ho provato a spiegargli che meno mi vedono su internet e più mi sto allenando, ma loro rimangono un po' delusi. Ecco quindi un omaggio a tutti i bergamaschi che mi danno la fotta e una piccola concessione al mio ego :) 

Più nello specifico, sul video.. (sempre riferito a questa analisi )
Autosservazione: l'utilizzo di una camera soggettiva porta numerosi vantaggi.. piani sequenza lunghi, sensazione realistica, pochi tagli.. purtroppo diventa difficile apprezzare i movimenti, ecco perchè ho usato un effetto wide, anche se un po' distorcente, permette di vedere almeno un po' il footwork e le mani (comunque più che far sembrare i movimenti più grossi, schiaccia le altezze..). La velocità was not changed while I was unable to give up a dedicated soundtrack. The course was really done in a day, "right first time" unless an 'exception (not because I had been wrong but the inclination of the room was wrong). The area was known but the movements have not been studied in detail.
Self: 3 / 5

PS: dedicated to the past, present and future of collective Paciana , BGS Team , Vocalamity , Check Point Charlie, Bergamoreggae , who paints, who sings, dances and those who caress the vinyl, the whole Bergamo pushing and resisting any new forma che si possa pensare, se c'è la mente la sostanza rimane antica. Menzione speciale per Il Baro , un'ispirazione.