Operatore socio Health: Ministry of Health technical panel - Regions and Trade Unions on the role, functions, training and planning, social and health needs
The FIALS will attend technical panel convened by the Ministry of Health Thursday, May 13 pv.
A preliminary meeting and fundamental, the UN Secretary General FIALS to compare the training and retraining courses implemented by different regions and is to take stock of the current function of the professional Social Health Operator, trying to verify any critical.
But it will be, too, the time for FIALS to raise the target, has been held at the Ministry of Health, an extended training of the profile in relation to social care needs required in our country is in 'healthcare and social.
Specifically, he argues, the Secretary of FIALS , it is clear that the development of professionalism of Social and Health can not stop only at the of specialization (OSSS) as in the different regions, which is desirable in an extension in the other, but also occur in the context of the specific role that would seem, at present, very narrow, that of belonging to the technical role in relation to the real functions and training.
It, too, that there are unique ministerial guidelines and explicit in all the regions for training and professional qualifications for the duties and functions of such operators, providing also for their professional development and ongoing mandatory conceivable with that of CME courses.
A professional profile that should find its place in the new contract more in line functions and training.
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