With the publication in the Official Gazette, Decree Law No 31 May 2010 78 enter into force on the so-called corrective action. Here are some of the news.
- For the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 the salary of employees and managers can not overcome the public's use of treatment in 2010.
- From 1 January 2011 until December 31, 2013 salaries over € 90,000 gross per annum shall be reduced by 5% for the excess of the above amount of up to 150,000 euro, and 10% for the portion exceeding € 150,000.
- The contract renewals for the 2008-2009 period, even if already signed, can not determine pay increases in excess of 3.2%.
- For the period 2010-2013 the assumptions may relate to only 20% of resources released from terminations.
- For 2014 recruitment may include only 50% of resources released from terminations.
- By 2015, recruitment may cover 100% of resources released from terminations. In each case the number of unit personnel to be hired must not exceed that of the units in the cease previous year.
- The assumptions are permitted if they certify terminations.
- As a result of savings of the employees and agreement, the level of funding of the NHS is restated with a reduction of EUR 418 million for the year 2011 and to € 1.132 billion from the year 2012.
- In the period 2010/2012 are not making the contract renewals. E 'subject to the payment of compensation for contractual holiday.
- At the end of a managerial position, you can give managers a job with lower economic position, even without a negative evaluation on the executive.
- The funding of the NHS is restated with a reduction of EUR 600 million from the year 2011.
- For those who reach the age limits for retirement by 2011, then change the start date of retirement. The four existing windows are replaced with a single window. The two annual windows are only for those that mature within the requirements of 31 December 2010. For employees, the effective date is set one year after the time they reach the age requirements and contribution.
- With effect from 1 January 2011 extended to civil servants, the calculation of the liquidation under the terms of severance pay, Art. 2120 of the Civil Code with the application dell’aliquota del 6,91%.
A decorrere dal 2011 le amministrazioni pubbliche:
- possono avvalersi di personale a tempo determinato o convenzionato ovvero con contratti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa, nel limite del 50% della spesa sostenuta per le stesse finalitĂ nell’anno 2009.
- devono ridurre dell’80% rispetto al 2009 le spese per le consulenze conferite ai dipendenti pubblici.
- non possono effettuare spese per relazioni pubbliche, convegni, mostre, pubblicitĂ per un ammontare superiore al 20% della spesa sostenuta nel 2009.
- non possono effettuare spese per sponsorizzazioni.
- devono ridurre del 20% rispetto al 2009 expenditure for the purchase, maintenance, and operation of rental cars.
- the annual costs of routine maintenance and repairs of buildings can not exceed 2% of the value of 'property, must comply with this provision also health agencies and hospitals as well as nursing homes and care of a scientific nature.
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