socio Sanitation deserve special attention on the recognition of their profession.
E 'This was the statement of the technical board FIALS established within the Ministry of Health to seek guidance unit, the same Ministry and the Conference of Regions, to give dignity to these professional and economic operators given the situation uneven among the different regions, not only for training and qualification courses, but also for activities that are handled by these professionals in health care.
Crucial to the table is the technical work being done by MIGEP (associations, trade unions, which represents the formation of the class), whose shares FIALS the principles and objectives laid on the table and the technician who is working to find workable solutions.
ministerial working at the table have been analyzed data from some regions, aimed at quantifying the socio sizes and Sanitation to highlight and compare the different criteria adopted by each region with regard to training.
The comparative assessment of these data revealed how the training programs are uneven from region to region both for the articulation of hours of course work and internships, however, modulated on the process of upgrading, both with regard to how di svolgimento dei corsi.
Si registra inoltre un progressivo ed omogeneo affidamento della formazione dalle Aziende Sanitarie Locali ad Istituti di formazione privati accreditati presso i competenti Assessorati del Lavoro, senza un preventivo esame del reale fabbisogno del sistema sanitario della figura dell’O.S.S.
Con riferimento alla formazione complementare si segnalano: a) la poca formazione per quel che riguarda la conoscenza delle patologie e scarsissima per quel che concerne l’insegnamento della farmacologia e dell’anatomia; b) la perdita di importanza della relazione con il paziente.
Durante i lavori della Commissione รจ emerso che nella Regione Lombardia oggi si continua a formare l’A.S.A.. That figure then he still works in social and health structures and assist at home. It 'was then asked the Commission how it can be reconciled within the national collective bargaining.
The working group has analyzed, including the report submitted by Migep, fully shared, and taken as a reference point in order to initiate the restatement of a uniform national curriculum for OSS.
Dr Leonardi, acting as representative of the Ministry, as well as having asked for more active cooperation in regions binding (Migep), trade unions, Ipasvi and midwives present at the technical table, then the working group formulated a number of questions:
· the OSS sizes are 100 000 trusted?;
100 000 · the OSS is a fact in line with the health care needs?;
What cleaning is the number of OSS to form in the opinion of the work table?;
· How many OSS are organic in health facilities and social assistance?;
• Which activities are required and carried out effectively?
Finally it was confirmed that with OSS, the training necessary to identify what are the gaps.
Working Table will continue its work at the end of September.
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