Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kiddie Smoke Detector Keeps Beeping Low Battery

Third Sector

The definition of

Third Sector is used to identify everything that is different from both the public sphere (state, regions, local authorities, other bodies) and the private sector, namely the market ( or undertaking as defined by law ).

What remains after these first two sectors is composed of disparate subjects have in common the ability to develop new offerings to meet the demand for services that neither the state nor the private partnerships are able to meet: This is the new social economy, which has established a legal form, a unique model of reference, but is an area where there are organized structures of social forms with very different legal .

's business sectors are affecting the Third Sector:

- social, health and social services;
- charity;
- education;
- training
- amateur sport;
- protection and enhancement of historic and artistic interest;
- protecting and enhancing the environment;
- promotion of culture and art;
- the protection of civil rights;
- scientific research of particular social interest.

To better understand what the social economy, can be illustrated as a set of steps: starting from the bottom we first voluntary action "pure"

on the step you have overcome the groups and associations (up to non-commercial associative)

still climbing, we have the foundations, the IPAB (public welfare and charitable institutions or charities) and non-governmental organizations;

then meet the banking foundations, non-profit organizations (non-profit social organizations) and social cooperatives ;

then you have the true cooperative and with their own (if any) consortia, companies and undertakings of credit cooperative.

It is therefore a world that only involves millions of people in Italy members and volunteers, organized by dozens thousands of local branches employs hundreds of thousands of workers and conscientious objectors.

What's The Difference Between A Beco And Ergo


The definition of social cooperative is contained in Law No. 381/91, which governs the sector. According to art. 1 of this law, cooperatives are defined as social enterprises who are born with the aim of "pursuing the 'general interest of the community promotion human and social integration of citizens ".

This goal is pursued through the management of health services or educational and carrying out different activities (agricultural, industrial, commercial or services) aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people.

The name, however formulated, must include the term "social cooperation".

are considered social cooperatives which, by the application the letter a) of the 1st paragraph of art. 1 of Law No 381/91, manage social / health, education and training covered by the regulations, plans, programs in regional interventions, social / health and education / welfare.

We consider also those involved in social cooperatives aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people under subparagraph b) of the 1st paragraph of art. 1 of Law No 381/91.

The law defines the social co-operatives as legal entities and private enterprise features non-profit a cui attribuisce la possibilità di perseguire finalità di interesse collettivo.

Da questo punto di vista, le cooperative sociali rappresentano una innovazione rispetto alle forme cooperative tradizionali.

Nello specifico, le cooperative tradizionali (di consumo, di lavoro, altro) sono società mutualistiche ovvero società che nascono per soddisfare il bisogno dei soci , offrendo loro beni e servizi o occasioni di lavoro a condizioni più vantaggiose rispetto a quelle dettate dal mercato.

Companies social cooperatives, however, are born with the aim of meeting needs that do not coincide with those of members only owners, but with those of the wider local community or collective needs .

Social cooperatives are divided into two basic types:

- social cooperatives type A, for the management of health services and education, which deal of assistance domiciliare agli anziani, ai malati, ai pazienti psichiatrici, ecc... ; gestiscono strutture residenziali per anziani, minori, disabili ed altre categorie piu' deboli e di altri servizi di tipo sociale e sanitario.

- cooperative sociali di tipo B , per lo svolgimento di qualsiasi attività di impresa (agricola, industriale, artigianale, commerciale, di servizi), con la specificità di destinare una parte dei posti di lavoro così creati (almeno il 30%) a persone svantaggiate, altrimenti escluse dal mercato del lavoro: invalidi fisici, psichici e sensoriali, ex degenti di istituti psichiatrici, soggetti in trattamento psichiatrico, ex tossicodipendenti, alcolisti, ragazze madri, minori in età lavorativa in situazioni di difficoltà familiare e condannati ammessi alle misure alternative alla detenzione, secondo l'articolo 4 della 381/91.

Nate a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni settanta in alcune aree del nord Italia (Lombardia soprattutto) le cooperative sociali hanno conosciuto una progressiva diffusione in tutto il territorio nazionale.

Lo sviluppo di questa particolare forma imprenditoriale è legato a una molteplicità di fattori. Da un lato gli enti pubblici social cooperatives outsource an increasing share of social services, health, education.

On the other hand there is evidence of self-organization of civil society (citizens, informal groups, associations, etc..) Promoting the creation of social cooperatives to meet unmet needs or to innovate in the provision of welfare services

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Starbucks Rice Crispy Treat Recipe


Beh, eccomi entrare nel settimo anno di pratica di Parkour, è stata una bellissima avventura fino a qui. Tante soddisfazioni, pochi incidenti (e mai gravi), un sacco di bella gente e tanti discorsi interessanti. Ma ora.. Ora un cazzo, si va "in avanti coma sempre", è solo che.. Beh, la curva della prestazione sta cambiando, non si può negare. Malgrado la maturità muscolare si raggiunga sui tren'anni, i tempi di recupero si allungano e le articolazioni si consumano, inesorabilmente. Sento che il tempo per fare le cose che voglio fare si accorcia e così non mi rimane che accellerare, sperando di prendere quello che riesco prima di dovermi acontentare di mantenere ciò che ho.

I left, so that formulate goals and commit to completing them. I realize that I could work on every detail for 50 years and have yet to learn, but there are things that the more time passes the more difficult or dangerous to be improved, I have all my life to increase my strength in the race, but I still "a few" bumps in the bottom of his knees. Here are my resolutions for 2011:
  • technique. In seven years the technique that I have coached the jumps are less basic. So much for conditioning the legs and bottom of many jumps. Now or never ..
  • Balance. I want to take a vertical line on one hand.
  • Force. I want to drive a single arm.
  • Mind. I want to reduce the time of "openness" of each new step.
  • Trick. I want to bring out a sideflip secure.