The definition of social cooperative is contained in Law No. 381/91, which governs the sector. According to art. 1 of this law, cooperatives are defined as social enterprises who are born with the aim of "pursuing the 'general interest of the community promotion human and social integration of citizens ".
This goal is pursued through the management of health services or educational and carrying out different activities (agricultural, industrial, commercial or services) aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people.
The name, however formulated, must include the term "social cooperation".
are considered social cooperatives which, by the application the letter a) of the 1st paragraph of art. 1 of Law No 381/91, manage social / health, education and training covered by the regulations, plans, programs in regional interventions, social / health and education / welfare.
We consider also those involved in social cooperatives aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people under subparagraph b) of the 1st paragraph of art. 1 of Law No 381/91.
The law defines the social co-operatives as legal entities and private enterprise features non-profit a cui attribuisce la possibilità di perseguire finalità di interesse collettivo.
Da questo punto di vista, le cooperative sociali rappresentano una innovazione rispetto alle forme cooperative tradizionali.
Nello specifico, le cooperative tradizionali (di consumo, di lavoro, altro) sono società mutualistiche ovvero società che nascono per soddisfare il bisogno dei soci , offrendo loro beni e servizi o occasioni di lavoro a condizioni più vantaggiose rispetto a quelle dettate dal mercato.
Companies social cooperatives, however, are born with the aim of meeting needs that do not coincide with those of members only owners, but with those of the wider local community or collective needs .
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