Sunday, February 22, 2009

How Long Does Pink Hair Dye Last

checks, savings and ' IBAN

Gli assegni
Gli assegni bancari o postali emessi per importi pari o superiori a 5 mila euro devono recare l'indicazione del nome o della ragione sociale del beneficiario e la clausola di non trasferibilità.

Per ottenere il rilascio di assegni senza tale clausola, è necessario fare una richiesta scritta alla propria Banca e pagare un'imposta di bollo pari a 1,50 euro per ogni assegno.
L'emissione di questi assegni è consentita solo per importi inferiori a 5mila euro; se l’importo dovesse essere superiore va inserita la clausola di non trasferibilità.

Per gli assegni emessi all'ordine del traente ("a me medesimo") continue to apply the rules in force (Article 49, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree no. 231/07) and that the check can be turned only by that for installation at a bank or post office, no longer able to be cashed by someone other than, in other words, these checks can be used only to make a withdrawal at the bank or post office. The books

A new case of almost the same bank or postal savings or to bearer.
The books are already open will be closed or their balance will be reduced to an amount less than € 5,000 by June 30, 2011.
The "old" bearer passbooks, with a balance equal to or greater 5 thousand euro, will be settled as follows: •
extinction of the book with proceeds of the sum;
• withdrawal amount in excess of 5 thousand euro so as to reduce the balance below the maximum threshold;
• transformation of the book bearer in booklet name.

IBAN The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is the international bank that identifies, in a standard way, the current account of the beneficiary.
The structure of the IBAN varies depending on the country, with a maximum of 34 alphanumeric characters.
For Italy is set at 27 characters:
two-letter country code, IT for Italy;
codice iban di 2 caratteri numerici di controllo internazionali,
codice bban di 1 carattere alfabetico di controllo nazionale (CIN),
5 caratteri numerici per il codice ABI,
5 caratteri numerici per il CAB,
12 caratteri alfanumerici per il numero di conto.

Esempio di IBAN italiano:

IT 59 F 05296 73970 CC0000033409

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coconut Oil For Black Baby Hair

Summary D.Lgs.81/08 and other

D. Lgs. 81/08: Testo unico sulla sicurezza
Sintesi per l’estetica e l’acconciatura (fino a 30 dipendenti)

Il Testo Unico (TU) sostituisce il precedente D. Lgs. 626/94 integrandolo con tutti i provvedimenti in materia di sicurezza e salute dei lavoratori adottati negli ultimi 50 anni.
It involved all workers are employees or as self including family enterprises and home workers (in particular cases). As stated by the old
626/94, the employer has the burden, as well as the duty to apply all measures are relevant and necessary to ensure the safety of workers (as, of course, customers).

The main obligations of the employer are:

1) risk assessment and derivation of the risk assessment document (DVR) and this assessment must be conducted together with the company doctor (and possible charge of prevention and security risks (RSPP) and after consulting the workers responsible for security (RLS).
The DVR must be reviewed and updated to the occurrence of specific events (see art.29 of the Act) and must be kept in the company;

2) designate the RSPP that in companies with up to 30 employees may be the same employer work

3) appoint a qualified doctor;

4) choose the person responsible for emergency management (prevention and fire fighting, evacuation, rescue, first aid etc.). and take the necessary measures against such emergencies;

5 ) provide workers with personal protective equipment (PPE);

6) require the workers to comply with the rules;

7) satisfy the requirements of information, education and training;

8) INAIL communicate data on accidents at work causing absence from work at least one day;

9) update the preventive measures;

10) report annually to INAIL names / of RLS.

Therefore according to TU main figures who have to deal with safety and prevention are:

a) an employer who also serves as Head of Security and Risk Prevention (RSPP) and that this function must make a training course;
b) employee representative for security (RLS) with a chance of being elected a representative to the territorial sector businesses with fewer than 15 workers and the obligation to disclose the identity INAIL and that it must make a special course;
c) doctor;
d) emergency workers (fire prevention, evacuation and first aid)

DVR (which must have a certain date) must contain:

1) the evaluation of all security risks and health of workers (to be specified the criteria adopted for the assessment), for pregnant workers, etc..

2) an indication of the prevention measures and protection of IPR adopted and implemented;

3) the program of measures to be taken to ensure over time the improvement of safety standards and the identification of procedures for their implementation specifying who should provide (only people with sufficient skills and powers);

4) an indication of the RSPP, the RLS and competent doctor who has participated in the evaluation of risks;

5) identification of tasks that may expose workers to risks that require specific and recognized professional , specific experience, adequate education and training.

6) No later than 30/06/2012 employers with up to 10 employees can self-certify the conduct of the evaluation of risks and still be in possession of the previous one provided by D. Decree 626/94.

For offenders, the penalties are fines up to even arrest.


Aesthetics and hairstyle: The work environment - Safety and prevention rules
For the safety of the workplace, you must follow these steps:
1) For the electrical system have a certificate of competency issued by the installer;
2) Place the water system at the right distance from the electrical system;
3) See the declaration of conformity the heating, issued by a qualified engineer;
4) Be in accordance with the law of the air conditioning system;
5) have a height of 2.70 m in rooms where activity;
6) Having a smooth floor, wash, disinfect and slip;
7) Coat the walls of the cabins, with remarkable washable at least up to a height of 2.00 m;
8) Be in possession of a room used as a dressing room for employees ;
9) retrofit the bathroom, a dressing room with tiled sinks or similar material where the fitting must work with pedals or photocell, with hot and cold water and drinking water.

The employer is required to adopt a package of emergency (for companies with fewer than 5 employees) or a first aid kit (with more than 5 employees).

health and safety in laboratories hairdresser and beautician

As part of the hairdresser and beautician's any damage to health are: 1
irritant and allergic dermatitis due to contact with chemical substances and preparations; 2
respiratory allergies for the use of aerosol products;
3 circulatory disorders and osteoarticular due to the continuous standing;
4 infections, parasites, fungus, lice and disease infectious diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS;
5 cuts to the use of scissors, razors and blades;
6 injuries from electrocution.

Precautions: 1
use suitable protective equipment such as creams and screen polyethylene disposable gloves, 2
use the dermatologist if skin changes;
3 check the safety data sheets of products in use, air
4 and clean the premises;
5 disinfect and sterilize the instruments of labor;
6 fitted ergonomic chairs for the work to be seated, wear shoes suitable
7; 8
use disposable equipment.


marking the European "CE"
The CE marking is the abbreviation by which the manufacturer guarantees that a product meets the safety requirements of EC directives and allows free movement throughout the community europea.La marking affixed by the manufacturer or importer , is located on the product or the packaging or the instruction sheet and must be visible, legible and indelebile.Tutte mechanical equipment for aesthetic use must have the CE mark.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Age Of Empires Text Message Tone

DIA for opening beauty salon tools

City of San Donà di P.
(Before returning this form to obtain a photocopy of stamped office protocol and retain for future use)

to Mr. Mayor of the City of


the undersigned ___________________________, ____________________________ born in the Province of _________, a resident of _______________________, ________, street / square _________________________ ________, n
as [1] _____________________ society [2] "___________________________", based ____________________________ (province ___), street / square ________________________ n °_____ and enrolled in the RI Chamber of Commerce _____ ________, at no cod. fisc. IP Phone ______________________ ______________;

D’iniziare l'attività di:

da svolgersi nei locali siti in San Donà di Piave, Via/Piazza ______________________, n°________, muniti di regolare certificato di agibilità n. _____ del ____________, per:

> Nuova apertura
> Trasferimento
> Subentro alla ditta _______________________________. giusto atto di cessione in proprietà/affitto d’azienda, stipulato in data __________ presso il notaio ____________________ e registrato all’ufficio del registro di _________________ in data ___________ al n° ____.

The undersigned is aware that false statements, training, or using false documents, involving the application of the penalties provided by art. 76 of Presidential Decree 445 of 28 December 2000 and the consequent loss of the benefits,
1. that the person with a valid occupational requirement for the activity is:
> The undersigned, owner of a sole proprietor;
> Mr. _______________________________, born in the __________________________ _____________, as [3] of ______________________ aforementioned companies;
> Mr. _______________________________, born in __________________________ _____________, as the technical director of the aforementioned companies [4] ;
2. not to have criminal convictions, or to have criminal proceedings;
3. against it that there are no grounds for banning, suspension or revocation provided for in art. 10 of Law No 31 May 1965 575;
4. to be aware that in respect of members composing the aforementioned companies there are no grounds for banning, suspension or revocation provided for in art. 10 of Law No 31 May 1965 575;
5. to have the availability of these premises, owned by _____________________;
6. that is exerted in the same room also the business of selling retail products ______________________, alla quale viene riservata un'area di mq. _________;
7. che l'attività prevalente è [5] ________________________________________;
8. di non aver apportato alcuna modifica ai locali o alle attrezzature rispetto alle condizioni che hanno determinato il rilascio dell’autorizzazione n°__________ del ___________;
9. (nel caso di attività di barbiere e acconciatore) di non aver apportato alcuna modifica per quanto concerne gli scarichi. [6]
10. di essere a conoscenza che, ai sensi dell’art. 10 della legge 675/1996, i dati sopra riportati sono prescritti dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti e verranno used in the manner and for the purposes required by law;
11. to be aware that:
- where the new opening and transfer the business referred to in this declaration may be initiated thirty days from the date of submission of the protocol office of this community, or the date the office receiving post in the case of dispatch by post;
- where new and transfer opening, onset of the above is subject to a special presentation to the municipality, notice of the date of opening.

The company appointed Technical Director [7] the Mr. / Ms _____________________________, born in the _______________________, residing at _________________________________ ______________________________ Cod.Fisc. ________________________, Fitted with occupational requirement for the activity, who / which does not exert the same activity in other years, either as owner or manager of an enterprise.
Attach the following documents:
- documentation relating to the possession of professional recognition by CPA
- authorization to discharge, to the extent due.
- a copy of the sanitary certificate issued by the competent ASL 10, containing lists of equipment used in the exercise, in the case of aesthetic activity;
- photocopy duly registered act of subingresso (original will be submitted to the Office for single vision).


the undersigned _______________________________, __________________________________, born in ____________________ by signing the bottom of this work, hereby accept the office of director of company in the exercise above.


[1] legal representative, or manager of an undertaking (in the case of companies do not enroll in Handicraft Enterprises)
[2] be given in case of a company
[3] legal representative, partner of a partnership
[4] for corporations
[5] indicate only if exercise is carried out joint activities (joint activities to commercial ...)
[6] be completed only if subingresso
[7] only for corporations