Thursday, February 5, 2009

Age Of Empires Text Message Tone

DIA for opening beauty salon tools

City of San Donà di P.
(Before returning this form to obtain a photocopy of stamped office protocol and retain for future use)

to Mr. Mayor of the City of


the undersigned ___________________________, ____________________________ born in the Province of _________, a resident of _______________________, ________, street / square _________________________ ________, n
as [1] _____________________ society [2] "___________________________", based ____________________________ (province ___), street / square ________________________ n °_____ and enrolled in the RI Chamber of Commerce _____ ________, at no cod. fisc. IP Phone ______________________ ______________;

D’iniziare l'attività di:

da svolgersi nei locali siti in San Donà di Piave, Via/Piazza ______________________, n°________, muniti di regolare certificato di agibilità n. _____ del ____________, per:

> Nuova apertura
> Trasferimento
> Subentro alla ditta _______________________________. giusto atto di cessione in proprietà/affitto d’azienda, stipulato in data __________ presso il notaio ____________________ e registrato all’ufficio del registro di _________________ in data ___________ al n° ____.

The undersigned is aware that false statements, training, or using false documents, involving the application of the penalties provided by art. 76 of Presidential Decree 445 of 28 December 2000 and the consequent loss of the benefits,
1. that the person with a valid occupational requirement for the activity is:
> The undersigned, owner of a sole proprietor;
> Mr. _______________________________, born in the __________________________ _____________, as [3] of ______________________ aforementioned companies;
> Mr. _______________________________, born in __________________________ _____________, as the technical director of the aforementioned companies [4] ;
2. not to have criminal convictions, or to have criminal proceedings;
3. against it that there are no grounds for banning, suspension or revocation provided for in art. 10 of Law No 31 May 1965 575;
4. to be aware that in respect of members composing the aforementioned companies there are no grounds for banning, suspension or revocation provided for in art. 10 of Law No 31 May 1965 575;
5. to have the availability of these premises, owned by _____________________;
6. that is exerted in the same room also the business of selling retail products ______________________, alla quale viene riservata un'area di mq. _________;
7. che l'attività prevalente è [5] ________________________________________;
8. di non aver apportato alcuna modifica ai locali o alle attrezzature rispetto alle condizioni che hanno determinato il rilascio dell’autorizzazione n°__________ del ___________;
9. (nel caso di attività di barbiere e acconciatore) di non aver apportato alcuna modifica per quanto concerne gli scarichi. [6]
10. di essere a conoscenza che, ai sensi dell’art. 10 della legge 675/1996, i dati sopra riportati sono prescritti dalle disposizioni vigenti ai fini del procedimento per il quale sono richiesti e verranno used in the manner and for the purposes required by law;
11. to be aware that:
- where the new opening and transfer the business referred to in this declaration may be initiated thirty days from the date of submission of the protocol office of this community, or the date the office receiving post in the case of dispatch by post;
- where new and transfer opening, onset of the above is subject to a special presentation to the municipality, notice of the date of opening.

The company appointed Technical Director [7] the Mr. / Ms _____________________________, born in the _______________________, residing at _________________________________ ______________________________ Cod.Fisc. ________________________, Fitted with occupational requirement for the activity, who / which does not exert the same activity in other years, either as owner or manager of an enterprise.
Attach the following documents:
- documentation relating to the possession of professional recognition by CPA
- authorization to discharge, to the extent due.
- a copy of the sanitary certificate issued by the competent ASL 10, containing lists of equipment used in the exercise, in the case of aesthetic activity;
- photocopy duly registered act of subingresso (original will be submitted to the Office for single vision).


the undersigned _______________________________, __________________________________, born in ____________________ by signing the bottom of this work, hereby accept the office of director of company in the exercise above.


[1] legal representative, or manager of an undertaking (in the case of companies do not enroll in Handicraft Enterprises)
[2] be given in case of a company
[3] legal representative, partner of a partnership
[4] for corporations
[5] indicate only if exercise is carried out joint activities (joint activities to commercial ...)
[6] be completed only if subingresso
[7] only for corporations


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