Bankruptcy and Insolvency
(Text aggiornato con le modifiche introdotte dal D.Lgs. n. 5 /06 e dal D.Lgs. n. 169 /07 ).
L’imprenditore commerciale che non è in grado di pagare i propri debiti (che si trova cioè in stato di insolvenza ) può essere dichiarato fallito:
1) su ricorso di uno o più creditori;
2) su richiesta dello stesso imprenditore;
3) su istanza del pubblico ministero.
Il D. Lgs. 169/07 ha fissato il limite minimo per la dichiarazione di insolvenza in 30.000 euro di debiti scaduti e non pagati (cifra aggiornabile periodicamente) al di sotto della quale il fallimento non can be declared.
The most important changes introduced by D. Decree Law 5 / 06 and D. Decree Law 169/07 are:
1) the lifting of sanctions against the bankrupt's personal and abolition of the institution of rehabilitation.
According to the rules before the 2006 reform, the ruling declaring the bankruptcy of the bankrupt followed that enrollment in the public records of failures, which were connected to a series of continuing inability to conservation of such entry.
- abolished the register of bankrupts, and specified that any personal failure on the failed cease with the closing of the bankruptcy (art. LF 120) was suppressed in the school of rehabilitation.
addition, the Legislative Decree no. 169/2007:
- deleted any reference to the failure in the criminal judicial potential;
- relating to the regulation failed the subject of trade-lines can now enroll in the business register, which holds a new business, separate from the subject to failure.
2) dell'esdebitazione the introduction of legislation (Articles 142-144 LF):
closed once the procedure without full payment of creditors, the bankrupt may be discharged of debts residues (but only with respect creditors are not satisfied in full) provided that he or she has been the author of fraudulent behaviors toward themselves and the creditors have cooperated with the bodies of the bankruptcy proceedings for the successful and expeditious realization of the same.
dell'esdebitazione can benefit only the person failed, the companies are excluded.
3) the repeal of the forced administration;
4) the removal of all references to the term "small business";
5) buttressing the burden on the defendant to prove not be a subject fallible.
There alternatives to the procedure of F that are applied when the F jeopardize their jobs, the economy of the local community in which the firm operates, banks or other companies heavily exposed. These procedures are called and bankruptcy are:
1) arrangement
2) special administration
3) wound up
Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is a legal procedure by which the 'entrepreneur who is insolvent, is divested of all his assets to satisfy creditors with the proceeds of their sale.
So there are two conditions for the failure:
- subjective : being an entrepreneur and small private business;
- objective: to be in a state of insolvency or inability to satisfy debts in the normal continuation of the work. But we must distinguish between
insolvency and default :
> the failure is the failure to pay one or more debts due to failure or inability of the entrepreneur but, for example, to challenge, neglect, etc. .;
> insolvency instead is, for example, always pay late, cessare del tutto i pagamenti, avere titoli protestati, ecc..
Infatti l’art. 5 della L.F. così recita:
L'imprenditore che si trova in stato d'insolvenza è dichiarato fallito.
Lo stato d'insolvenza si manifesta con inadempimenti od altri fatti esteriori, i quali dimostrino che il debitore non è più in grado di soddisfare regolarmente le proprie obbligazioni.
Chi decide se si tratta di inadempimento o di insolvenza è il giudice del tribunale fallimentare investito della questione.
Le caratteristiche del fallimento sono:
1) la concorsualità , cioè il fallimento coinvolge tutti i creditori i quali, con l’apertura the procedure must cease any enforcement actions pending or individual can begin again;
2) the general in the sense that the failure involves the entire assets of the debtor and not just the individual goods is running as an individual;
3) the officiosità in the sense that, regardless of who takes the initiative, the process proceeds automatically without being subject to the impulses of the proceedings of the creditors.
With the declaration of bankruptcy individual entrepreneurs and company directors are also exposed to the risk of prosecution planned to verify the existence of any bankruptcy crimes.
Possono essere dichiarati falliti soltanto gli imprenditori commerciali privati, siano essi persone fisiche o società.
Non sono invece fallibili gli imprenditori
“...i quali dimostrino il possesso congiunto dei seguenti requisiti:
a) aver avuto, nei tre esercizi antecedenti la data di deposito della istanza di fallimento o dall'inizio dell'attivita', se di durata inferiore, un attivo patrimoniale di ammontare complessivo annuo non superiore ad euro trecentomila;
b) aver realizzato …… nei tre esercizi antecedenti la data di deposito dell'istanza di fallimento o dall'inizio dell'attivita', se di durata inferiore, ricavi lordi per un ammontare complessivo annuo non superiore to two hundred thousand euro;
c) have a level of debt is not even expired, not exceeding five hundred thousand euro. "
(Article 1 LF amended by Legislative Decree no. 12/09/2007, No. 169)
As you can see, art. 1 of the LF has disappeared the previous distinction between "small commercial contractor" and "entrepreneur", having been set quantitative limits that exceed those definitions.
These limits also affect the craft business, whether carried out individually or in aggregate form.
can not be declared bankrupt, though insolvent, farmers, government economic (Subject, however, compulsory winding up) and those who do not have the characteristics of a businessman.
In case of termination of Article 10 of the Federal Act (as amended by Decree . September 12, 2007, No. 169 ) says:
Entrepreneurs individual and group can be declared bankrupt within one year after removal from the register of companies, and if the default is' manifested itself prior to or within the next year ... ....
In case of death, Article 11 provides:
"The deceased contractor may be declared bankrupt, when making use the conditions laid down in previous ... ... " [cf. art. 10]
is interesting art. 147 of the Federal Act (as amended by Legislative Decree no. 12/09/2007, No. 169) that in respect any occult members, states:
"... If after the bankruptcy of the company is the existence of other partners with unlimited liability, the court, upon application by the liquidator, a creditor of a bankrupt partner, says the failure of the same. "
Initiative for bankruptcy
" Failure is declared on the application of the debtor, one or more creditors or at the request of the prosecutor. "
- Most of the time the request part of the bankruptcy of one or more creditors (who must prove his claim and the state of insolvency of the debtor).
This request is most often "intimidating" because if the debtor pays the procedure gets scared and did not even open.
- the contractor may also ask your bankruptcy when, for example, wants to avoid any pressure or blackmail by threatening creditors.
Instead, the entrepreneur must ask yourself to failure if a lack of demand could aggravate the disruption
(art. 217 LF: be punished by imprisonment from six months to two years ..... the contractor, which has compounded its ...... disruption by not requiring the declaration of their failure ... )
- The third person who may seek bankruptcy is the public prosecutor (art. 7 LF):
The prosecutor submits the request .....:
1) when the bankruptcy is over a criminal proceedings, or from fleeing, or hiding from the unavailability of the entrepreneur, the closure of the premises from theft, the fraudulent substitution or reduction of assets by the entrepreneur;
2) when the insolvency is the signal from the court which has not been detected in the course of civil proceedings.
(Article amended by the Legislative . January 9, 2006, No. 5 )
decision declaring the bankruptcy
jurisdiction to rule on the request of the bankruptcy court is the place where the entrepreneur has headquarters of the company (art. 9 LF).
Once the request for bankruptcy court must call the contractor and feel. If the court finds that do not exist is the subjective condition that the objective for the declaration of bankruptcy, shall be rejected by reasoned decree.
Otherwise is pronounced the declared insolvent. Article. 16 LF, so replaced by Leg. September 12, 2007, No 169 , states:
" The court finds the failure to award, including that:
1) appoint the court supervising the procedure;
2) appoint the liquidator;
3) orders the failed the filing of financial statements and accounting records and tax mandatory, and 'list of creditors ......;
4) determine the place, day and time where the meeting will proceed' the review of the passive .....;
5) gives the creditors ... .... the maximum of thirty days before the meeting referred to in number 4 for the submission of applications to lodge at the Court.
Article 18: Claim (as replaced by Leg. September 12, 2007, No. 169 ).
against a sentence declaring bankruptcy can 'be brought complaints [opposition] by the debtor and any question .......
The complaint does not suspend the effects of the contested decision ..... [that does not prevent the continuation of the bankruptcy proceedings]
The court ruling on the appeal shall ....... If
failure and 'revoked, remain subject to the effects of acts legally done by the organs of the procedure ...... [ie acts that allowed the progress of the bankruptcy, with the withdrawal of the entrepreneur is no longer failed]
Effects of bankruptcy
Personal towards bankruptcy
effects for the failed are governed by Articles. 42-49 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No 5 and Leg. September 12, 2007, No 169 .
Essentially, the failure is private, from the date of declaration of bankruptcy, not property ma della disponibilità e dell’amministrazione dei suoi beni.
A norma dell’art. 46 non sono compresi nel fallimento:
1) i beni ed i diritti di natura strettamente personale;
2) gli assegni aventi carattere alimentare, gli stipendi, pensioni, salari e ciò che il fallito guadagna con la sua attività entro i limiti di quanto occorre per il mantenimento suo e della famiglia;
3) i frutti derivanti dall'usufrutto legale sui beni dei figli, i beni costituiti in fondo patrimoniale e i frutti di essi;
4) le cose che non possono essere pignorate per disposizione di legge.
[ Sono, in ogni caso, non pignorabili:
- quei beni dichiarati impignorabili da speciali law (art.545 cpc; Articles. 170, 326, 828, 1558, 1881.1923, 2117, 2531, 2614 cc);
- sacred things and those who serve the exercise of religion;
- l ' wedding ring, clothes, linen, beds, tables for eating meals with their chairs, wardrobes, chests of drawers, refrigerators, heaters and cooking stoves even if gas or electric washing machine , tools, home and kitchen together with a piece of furniture suitable to contain, as essential to the debtor and the members of his family living with them (but excluding the furniture, not the beds of considerable economic value, also found merit art or antiques);
- i commestibili e i combustibili necessari per un mese al mantenimento del debitore ed alle persone della sua famiglia con lui conviventi;
- le armi e gli oggetti che il debitore ha l'obbligo di conservare per l'adempimento di un pubblico servizio;
- le decorazioni al valore, le lettere, i registri e in generale gli scritti di famiglia, nonché i manoscritti, salvo che formino parte di una collezione.
- gli strumenti, gli oggetti e i libri indispensabili per l'esercizio della professione, dell'arte o del mestiere del debitore possono essere pignorati nei limiti del quinto, salve eccezioni.]
I limiti previsti al n. 2), sono fissati con decreto motivato del giudice delegato che deve tener conto della condizione staff of the bankrupt and that of his family.
Under Article. 48 " The bankrupt person and 'obligation to deliver to the liquidator in his correspondence of any kind, including electronic, concerning reports, including bankruptcy.
The direct correspondence to the bankrupt that is not natural and 'delivered to the liquidator. "
(Article amended by Leg. September 12, 2007, No. 169 ).
Article. 49 (as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No. 5 ) provides that "the entrepreneur who has been declared bankrupt, and its directors o i liquidatori di società o enti soggetti alla procedura di fallimento, sono tenuti a comunicare al curatore ogni cambiamento della propria residenza o del proprio domicilio.”
Con il D.L gs. 9 gennaio 2006, n. 5 è stato abrogato l’art. 50 che stabiliva delle incapacità a cui era soggetto il fallito [cfr. sopra]
Nei confronti dei creditori
Il fallimento conferisce ai creditori il diritto di partecipare alla distribuzione del ricavato ottenuto dalla liquidazione del patrimonio del fallito.
.....dal giorno della dichiarazione di fallimento nessuna azione individuale..... può be commenced or continued [creditors] on property included in the bankruptcy.
(Article 51 as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No. 5 )
organs failure
bodies responsible for failure are:
bankruptcy court;
creditors' committee.
Al court it the whole process of bankruptcy and the appointment of the appointed judge is the liquidator;
the court supervising the bankruptcy proceedings throughout directs and supervises the activities of the liquidator;
the curator has the administration of the estate and performs all the operations of the procedure under the supervision of the appointed judge and the creditors 'committee, as part of the functions attributed to him;
the creditors' committee, composed of three Five creditors, mainly advisory functions, but may inspect the records and documents of the bankruptcy and has the right to information and clarification by the trustee and the bankrupt.
The procedure of bankruptcy
evolve through distinct phases and later:
1) affixing of seals takeover of the bankrupt's assets by the liquidator;
2) finding del passivo;
3) accertamento dell’attivo;
4) liquidazione dell’attivo e ripartizione del ricavato tra i creditori;
5) chiusura del fallimento.
“Dichiarato il fallimento, il curatore procede...... all'apposizione dei sigilli sui beni che si trovano nella sede principale dell'impresa e sugli altri beni del debitore.”
(art. 84 così modificato dal D.lgs. 9 gennaio 2006, n. 5 )
“Devono essere consegnate al curatore:
a) il denaro contante.....;
b) le cambiali e gli altri titoli compresi quelli scaduti;
c) le scritture contabili e ogni altra documentazione acquired from the same request or if not yet filed at the Registry. "
(Article 86 as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No. 5 )
" The Editor .... . draw up the inventory as soon as possible ..... present or notified the bankrupt and the creditors' committee ..... "
(Article 87 as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No. 5 )
" The editor ..... must complete the list of creditors with a statement of their claims and liens, as well as' a list of all those who own ..... about things in the possession or the availability 'of failed ....." (Article 89 as amended by Decree . September 12, 2007, No. 169 )
"The curator, examined the records and dell'impreditore other sources of information, it shall without delay to the creditors .....:
1) that can enter the contest by depositing in the clerk of the court, question ....;
2) the date fixed for the examination of the passive [which consists of a list that shows the debts of the bankrupt as a debt in bankruptcy] and one in which applications should be submitted .....;"
(Article 92 as amended by Decree . January 9 2006, no 5 )
"The editor examines the questions ..... and establish separate lists of creditors .....
The editor of liabilities in the draft ..... clerk of the court hearing set for the examination of the person, the judge appointed ..... decide on each application ..... The bankrupt can 'request to be heard ....." (as replaced by Article Leg. September 12, 2007, No. 169 .
"..... After the 'examination of all the questions, the judge appointed as the passive state and makes executive decree filed with the Court ......"
(art. 96 as amended by Decree . September 12, 2007, No 169 )
After the enactment of the executive decree that makes the passive state, the trustee shall sell the goods forming part of the proceeds distributed to creditors as it is realized.
's rare that creditors are able to be paid in full: usually receive only a portion of the advance.
With the proceeds from the failure is first paid "the court", then the secured creditors and unsecured creditors finally.
The privileged are entitled to be repaid before the others
creditors secured by mortgage, pledge [= diritto o oggetto cui viene attribuita funzione di garanzia di un obbligo] o privilegio fanno valere il loro diritto di prelazione sul prezzo dei beni vincolati……; se non sono soddisfatti integralmente, concorrono, per quanto è ancora loro dovuto, con i creditori chirografari nelle ripartizioni del resto dell'attivo. (art. 54 L.F.)
Per capirsi, i crediti per i contributi che hanno gli enti previdenziali, i crediti dei lavoratori per le retribuzioni da parte dei loro datori di lavoro, i crediti dello Stato per le imposte sono tutti crediti privilegiati.
“Approvato il conto e liquidato il compenso del curatore, il giudice delegato, sentite le proposte del curatore, ordina the final apportionment under the former rules. "
(Article 117 as amended by Decree . January 9, 2006, No. 5 )
closure of the bankruptcy
" The closure and the failure 'declared by decree of the court reasoned, on the application of the liquidator or the debtor or office ....."
(Article 119 as amended by Decree . September 12, 2007, No. 169 )
The bankruptcy proceeding is closed:
1) is accomplished when the final distribution of assets in bankruptcy;
2) when, for lack of assets, the procedure can not be successfully continued;
3) when the first of the final distribution was paid in full the total liabilities in bankruptcy;
4) when they were proposed proofs of the person within the law.
The failure to close the cases referred to in points 1) and 2) may be reopened within five years when the assets of the bankrupt assets arise such as to render useful to reopen.
effects of the closure
"With the closing cease the effects of bankruptcy on the assets of failed ... ... and the bodies fell into bankruptcy ...... Creditors regain the freedom to pursue actions to the debtor for the unsatisfied portion of their claims ......" (Article 120 as amended by Decree . September 12, 2007, No. 169 ).
Bankruptcy can exercise also closed by a procedure called "bankruptcy agreed" with which the bankrupt is proposing a rule to unsecured creditors and court approval, the payment of debts as a percentage compared to the sum of pay.
is no longer considered a necessary requirement of the proposal for full payment of secured creditors: it is possible to predict their satisfaction even partially. Relevant
is the possibility that the proposal could be presented not only failed but also by the creditors for the creditors agreed
may be advantageous because it avoids the long delays of bankruptcy proceedings, and also because they could obtain a certain sum now rather than an uncertain result.
for bankruptcy may be advantageous as the arrangement, with payment, the lender must be satisfied to receive the balance sum lower than that advances, with nothing to claim.
The other insolvency procedures
arrangement - special administration - compulsory liquidation
Il concordato preventivo
E’ un accordo concluso sotto il controllo e con l’approvazione del tribunale, tra l’imprenditore commerciale insolvente, non ancora fallito, e i creditori, sia privilegiati che chirografari, volto a soddisfare in percentuale i chirografari.
Qualora l’imprenditore riesca a stipulare il concordato evita il fallimento.
Tale proposta deve essere approvata dai creditori.
L’amministrazione straordinaria
E’ riservata alle imprese commerciali con almeno 200 dipendenti ed una forte esposizione finanziaria.
Ha una finalità conservativa del patrimonio dell' impresa , unlike other insolvency proceedings (the bankruptcy and compulsory winding-up ), which instead aims liquidated.
In fact, it is intended for recovery and rehabilitation of large companies who are in a state of insolvency , to prevent loss of company assets and the loss of many jobs.
is to try to satisfy the creditors together with the restructuring of the company, or selling productive sectors still saving their jobs. The
It wound up
'bankruptcy proceedings in which the liquidation of certain companies under the supervision of the state is implemented by organs of public administration rather than by courts.
are subjected to this procedure: banks, insurance companies, cooperatives.
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