The contract
The contracts are part of the broader category of legal transactions acts or talks. The legal transaction
is an act that takes the form of expressions of will and they are connected to specific legal effects.
legal transactions are of two types: shop "inter vivos" and shop "mortis causa".
The stores are designed inter vivos to have effect during the life of the subjects;
stores mortis causa are intended to regulate the succession story or provide for the time following the death of the subject.
Among the first part of the contracts while among the latter are the wills.
As defined by Article 1321 of the Civil Code, the contract is a "agreement of two or more parties to establish, regulate or terminate a legal relationship between them-sheet"
analyzing this definition shows that Contract:
1) is a agreement, that the parties must reach consensus on all elements (or "Terms") that form the contract;
2) provides that at least two contractors , whether natural or legal persons;
3) must have a cause (or purpose) that, in general, is to "establish, regulate or extinguish" a report normally effective (in the legal term "enforceable") for the contractors and, therefore, usually ineffective (that is "unenforceable") to third parties , that is, towards those who are not contractors;
4) is legal ie protected by law and has the force of law for contractors;
5) is capital because the benefit to which the contractors are required to be measurable in money.
Contracts can be classified into:
- typical and atypical ;
> i c. Typical are called so because it expressly provided for and regulated by the Code;
between typical contracts worth remembering c. real so called because their processing is required for both the consent of the parties is the delivery: these are actual contracts, eg. the loan and mortgage .
> i c. atipici sono detti così perché pur non essendo previsti dal cc., sono comunque espressione dell’autonomia contrattuale delle parti e quindi sono degni di tutela giuridica.
Tra i contratti atipici rientrano i c. consensuali detti così perchè si perfezionano con il consenso delle parti; essi costituiscono la grande maggioranza dei contratti previsti dall'ordinamento giuridico.
Gli elementi del contratto
Si definiscono requisiti, o caratteri, quegli elementi che caratterizzano un contratto.
Si dividono in due gruppi:
- essenziali , devono obbligatoriamente essere presenti altrimenti il contratto è nullo;
they are Agreement, cause, scope, form .
- are incidental or ancillary items that the contractors are free to enter into the contract as long as lawful. They may not be present so much so that their absence does not lead to any imperfection of the contract;
They are: terms, conditions, way.
Agreement The agreement is the consensus reached by the parties and when it happens the contract is concluded.
Cause The cause is the goal that all those who enter into a contract to achieve.
For example, the cause of the sale is the transfer of ownership of property upon the consideration of a price.
The case must be permitted that is not contrary to the provisions of the law: an unlawful makes the contract void.
The object is the provision specified in the contract or the asset.
For example in real estate the subject property is on one side, the other the price.
The object must be lawful , that is not contrary to law;
possible, that is physically and legally feasible (you can not, for example. Sell the moon);
determined , or quantified (eg. For a house is its exact location), or determined, that is quantifiable, even after the conclusion of the contract (eg. The sale of a house not yet built).
Form Form is the way verbal, gestural or written by which manifests the intention of the parties.
The general rule of our legal system is that of freedom of form in the sense that if the statute provides otherwise, the parties may choose the preferred option.
Where the law provides a certain form, it becomes essential and if not respected the contract is invalid (it is essential, eg., Shape scritta per la compravendita immobiliare).
Il contratto è legato ad un evento futuro ma incerto al verificarsi del quale è legata l’efficacia (cond. sospensiva) o la risoluzione del contratto (cond. risolutiva); se la condizione è illecita o impossibile il contratto è nullo;
Il contratto è legato ad un evento futuro ma certo al verificarsi del quale, o fino al verificarsi del quale, si producono gli effetti del contratto stesso;
Il contratto pone una limitazione ad un atto di liberalità (ad esempio: vendo una casa ma
impongo all’acquirente sending them for a particular purpose).
Effects of contract
The contract - as a measure of private autonomy - has force of law between the parties: it obliges them to respect not only what has been agreed upon, but also to bear all the consequences that the second the law arising therefrom.
The contract can not be dissolved except by mutual consent or for reasons allowed by law .
If either party is empowered to cancel the contract, that right can be exercised until the contract has not had a start of execution.
To strengthen the contractual relationship of one or both parties in the contracts that generally have as their object future benefits, the law provides for two "institutes":
the liquidated damages and the deposit .
Penalty Clause means that in case of default of either party, the contract provides for the damages to the other party, without the latter may also require the fulfillment of the contract, the penalty can be expected even in the case of delayed performance.
The creditor has no obligation to prove the existence or the extent of the damage is sufficient that there was breach of contract. The deposit
consists of a sum of money that a contract is a party gives to another.
There are two types of deposit, the deposit and the penitential . The
deposit forces who received it to be deducted at the time of the payment in case of default may be two possibilities:
a) is in default who has paid the deposit, the other party may withdraw from contract holding the deposit;
b) if, on the contrary, the defaulting party is the person who receives the deposit, the other party may terminate the contract and require double the amount. However
la parte adempiente può anche scegliere di:
- chiedere al giudice l’esecuzione del contratto;
- chiedere al giudice la risoluzione del contratto con contemporanea richiesta di risarcimento del danno subito.
La caparra penitenziale è definita al cc. “il corrispettivo del recesso per ciascuna delle parti”
Ciò significa che se nel contratto è stata prevista la possibilità che le parti possano recedere, se chi recede è colui che ha ricevuto la caparra la deve restituire doppia; invece se chi recede è colui che ha dato la caparra, la perde.
Diversamente da quanto previsto per la caparra confirmatoria, la parte adempiente non può, al posto della caparra, ask the judge nor the performance of the contract or compensation for damage suffered.
We mentioned the failure as a reason for the termination (ie termination) of the contract.
We see better what it means failure and what are the other causes that they terminate the contract.
The contract may be terminated failure, impossibility, excessive burden occurred.
As you can understand these three cases may occur only after the conclusion of the contract.
Failure mean total partial, late or defective performance;
impossibility means the occurrence of an unforeseeable event (unthinkable) that makes it impossible to execute the contract;
excessive burden occurred means that for reasons not caused by intention of the parties executing the contract is no longer advantageous (for one or both parties). This is usually done on contract to continuous supplies.
The contract can not be resolved automatically, but will be dissolved upon the decision of the court called upon to determine whether it actually exists the cause.
Disability the contract: nullity and annulment
You say disabled those contracts that have since birth anomalies which preclude them from having the force of law. They are divided into
void and voidable .
contracts are null when missing an essential element or when it causes and / or object is unlawful. The sentence of nullity may be requested from the court, without limits of time, by anyone's interest to do so. If the court declares that the contract was void, this can not be remedied in any way: it is incurable.
contracts are voidable when they are concluded a unable or when the show will defects.
Such contracts can be terminated by the judge's decision within five years after they are concluded otherwise be barred.
But they can also be cured by removing the anomalies that have made it voidable.
I defects will , above, are:
- error when you are in the presence of ignorance, mistake or insufficient knowledge for an informed decision;
- violence while in the presence of a threat which forces the signature;
- intent while in the presence of a scam that convinces the signing.
Rescissione del contratto
La rescissione è un’azione intesa a togliere efficacia ad un contratto, con effetto retroattivo.
E’ giustificata da una sproporzione tra le prestazioni contrattuali contrapposte o dalla iniquità degli obblighi assunti da una parte.
Può essere esercitata entro un anno dalla conclusione del contratto.
La rescissione è consentita:
> quando il contratto è stato stipulato mentre una delle parti si trovava in pericolo di danno grave alla persona ;
> quando il contratto è stato stipulato mentre una delle parti si trovava in stato di bisogno e l’altra parte ne ha approfittato.
The possible validation of the contract is never permissible, but the party may avoid the termination in bad faith by offering the balance of benefits.
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