Approved on October 19, 2010 the related work that introduces important innovations in the field of public service.
Mobility, temporary assignments
In case of transfer of functions from central government to other entities (local governments, or outsourcing), the staff made redundant as you apply the art. 33 of Legislative Decree No 30 March 2001 165 sulle procedure di mobilità collettiva del personale in eccedenza (reimpiego presso sedi diverse della stessa amministrazione, ricollocazione presso altra amministrazione o collocamento in disponibilità per max 24 mesi).
Viene ampliata la possibilità di fruire della mobilità volontaria di cui all’art. 30 del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165 (“passaggio diretto di personale fra amministrazioni diverse”), nella forma dell’assegnazione temporanea per un massimo di tre anni. Al riguardo, si ricorda che nel CCNL dei comparti pubblici era già previsto l’istituto dell’assegnazione temporanea, come forma di mobilità per soddisfare particolari esigenze delle amministrazioni, previo consent of the employee and for a maximum period of 12 months, after which the employee could apply for the card directly in the administration where he had been commanded. Within 60 days the government will have to restate all temporary assignments in the course.
Publication data evaluation
You change the "Privacy Code" in such a way as to allow the government to publish online the details of the evaluations of employees, without the risk of violating the confidentiality of personal data. It specifies that no information be disclosed on grounds of illness or personal nature to cause the abstention from work, or components of the assessment which may have reference to personal and confidential information about employees.
Within 6 months after entry into force of the law, public authorities have the power to "submit a new evaluation measures for granting part-time already adopted before the entry into force of Decree Law No 25 June 2008 112 (converted into Law No 133 of August 6, 2008). Article. 73 of Decree Law was 'demoted' from right to legitimate interest of employees to process the request in relation to the part-time full-time. Since then, transformation has become no longer mandatory, but discretion by government.
It introduces the possibility of obtaining an expectation of 12 months without salary and without the effect of seniority, to start a business or professional self. During this period, the rules on incompatibility of posts and the combined provisions of art. 53 of Legislative Decree No 30 March 2001 165. Please note that in the sectors of public CCNL already foresees the possibility of obtaining unpaid for up to 12 months in three years for personal and family reasons, or for two years and only once in life lavorativa per gravi e documentati motivi di famiglia. Si ricorda inoltre che l’art. 23 bis del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165 ha previsto la possibilità di essere collocati in aspettativa senza assegni “per lo svolgimento di attività presso soggetti e organismi, pubblici o privati, anche operanti in sede internazionale”.
Pari opportunità, mobbing
Vengono introdotte modifiche all’art. 1 del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165, tra cui l'obbligo per le pubbliche amministrazioni di garantire ai lavoratori il rispetto delle pari opportunità e l'assenza di ogni forma di discriminazione, diretta e indiretta, relativa al genere, all'età, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, disability, religion or language, access to employment, treatment and conditions of employment, vocational training, promotion and occupational safety.
There will also be required to ensure a work environment based welfare organization, eliminating all forms of violence or mental in-house.
addition, within 4 months after entry into force of the law, each director will be among its "Committee of One guarantee for equal opportunities, enhancement of the welfare of working people who are against discrimination, with a remit "Consultative, proactive and verification", which will replace the Equal Opportunities Committee and the Joint Committee on the 'bullying' (participatory bodies established by collective bargaining during the session 2002-2005).
Within 3 months after entry into force of the law the Civil Service will issue a directive containing guidelines on how the operation of the new single committee, whose activities will be funded by government. The failure to establish the single committee will involve the responsibility of managers responsible for personnel management.
leave, expectations, permits
The Connected Government delegation to work within 6 months to adopt one or more legislative decrees aimed at "reorganization" of the existing legislation on leave, expectations, and permits "any name" (including, therefore, also permits unions), with the aim of standardizing the rules between the public and private sector.
have modified some parts of Article. 33 of Law No. 5 February 1992 104 (allowed for assistance to people with disabilities in situations of gravity):
the use of permits is limited to spouses, relatives or marriage within the second degree, except in cases where the parents or the spouse of the person to assist abbiano superato i 65 anni o siano deceduti o mancanti, o siano anche loro affetti da grave disabilità;
viene reso esplicito il divieto (già vigente, però, nei fatti, per effetto delle numerose norme interpretative susseguitesi nel corso degli anni) di riconoscere a più di un lavoratore il diritto di assistere la stessa persona (tranne il caso di assistenza a figli con handicap grave);
il diritto a scegliere la sede lavorativa più vicina al proprio domicilio viene trasformato nel diritto a scegliere la sede lavorativa più vicina al domicilio della persona da assistere.
Viene inoltre introdotto l’obbligo per le pubbliche amministrazioni di comunicare alla Funzione Pubblica entro il 31 marzo di ogni anno i nominativi employees who use the permits in art. 33 of Act 104 and the patient and the degree of kinship.
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