Stabilire l’efficacia della Legge nel tempo significa precisare il momento in cui iniziano e terminano gli effetti della legge stessa. La legge, generalmente, inizia a produrre i suoi effetti il 15° giorno successivo a quello della pubblicazione sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale per cui solo da quel momento la legge diventa obbligatoria per tutti: è questo il principio della non retroattività in base al quale ogni legge dispone solo per l’avvenire.
In general, a law remains in force until repealed [ 's repeal is the institution through which the legislature establishes the termination of his mandate effectiveness of the law retroactive ]. The repeal may be:
1) expressed : if it is expressly established by the legislature;
2) tacit : If the above provisions are incompatible with the new Law they automatically lose their effectiveness;
3) implied if the new law rule more broadly the previous law.)
The law may also be repealed by a referendum [= instrument through which the voters are consulted on specific issues directly by voting] that can be requested by at least 500,000 voters or five regional councils.
Act Establishing the effectiveness of space means indicate the territory and people under a given law . In our system there are the following principles:
1) principle of Nationality: nationals of a foreign state who are in Italy, applies to certain matters (such as, for example. For the capacity to act) the law of the State to which it belongs;
2) principle of territoriality: to citizens of any state who are in Italy applies to certain matters (such as, for example. In case of criminal offenses), the law of the Italian State;
3) principle of freedom of choice: foreign citizens in Italy may choose, for certain matters (such as, for example. in the event of signing a contract), what state is the law that will regulate this matter;
4) principle of reciprocity: citizens to a foreign country are recognized certain rights in Italy provided that the foreign state to recognize equal rights for Italian citizens in that state.
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