can happen that the meaning of a rule is hardly capibile or is due to uncertainty in front of the case to judge, you must then seek and understand the exact meaning of that standard.
This search for the real meaning is the interpretation of the rule of law that it is primarily the judge, who must give a solution to the cases submitted to it, then lawyers, legal scholars, and the legislature itself.
based on who performs the interpretation may experience the following cases:
1) authentic interpretation made by the legislature itself that lays down rules to explain a law previously enacted, the rules accordingly have retroactive effect;
2) interpretazione giudiziale effettuata dal giudice quando emette una sentenza per il caso in discussione e che vincola solo le parti in causa;
3) interpretazione dottrinale effettuata da avvocati, professori e altri studiosi del diritto in libri o durante dei convegni.
In questo caso va applicato l’art. 12 delle “Disposizioni sulla law in general "[ it comes to the Law introducing the Civil Code ] says:
" If a dispute can not be determined with a specific provision, it has in the rules regulate similar cases or similar matters; if the case is still doubt, it is decided according to general principles of law of the State .
This means that the judge on the case, uses the application of a rule that the legislature created to settle a similar case: then we say that the court applies a rule of law by analogy .
You can have two types analogy:
1) analogy of law (legis analogy) when the judge ruled in the case is covered by a rule of law a case unregulated;
2) analogy of law (juris analogy) when a case is not governed by a rule of law is regulated according to the principles of the legal state.
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