Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How Many Cards Do You Get In The Game Frustration


Bank account
The cc (or current accounts) is a contract whereby the bank assumed the position of making payments or receipts sums of money on behalf of the customer and his orders.
It 'necessary to the existence or the creation of a Client's availability at the bank, the transactions made by customers are entered on its behalf, to debit-or credit, and the balance at any time at its disposal . The cc

although not a formal agreement is finalized with the Unsubscribe-it from the customer's forms provided by the bank.

owner of DC is the person, firm or corporation which is in the name: it is necessary, when the Constitution, the filing of the signature of the holder so that the bank can then verify the authenticity of orders given.

The bank must send the client once a year (or, at your option, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly), a statement aven-te in order to allow the liquidation of the CC and the capitalization of interest.

The cc is extinguished by expiry of the term (fixed-term contract )
for unilateral termination of a party ( permanent contract )
to death, disqualification or bankruptcy of the account.

The savings account is a written document provided by banks to the customer after the opening of a savings deposit . Al suo interno vengono riportate tutte le operazioni contabili effettuate dal cliente (prelievi, versamenti) o dall'istituto di credito per conto proprio (interessi o spese).
Il libretto di risparmio bancario o postale consente ai risparmiatori-clienti di avere il denaro depositato presso la propria banca o la posta e all'occorrenza di fare prelievi o versamenti di denaro.
La convenienza di avere depositato il denaro sul libretto rispetto ad un conto corrente risiede nella "liquidità" della moneta e sugli interessi riconosciuti; gli interessi praticati sul conto corrente sono molto bassi.
Il libretto di risparmio postale ha il vantaggio di consentire di fare versamenti e prelievi in tutti gli sportelli del territorio italiano.
Each transaction is noted on the book: so you can easily check "receipts" and "outputs".
Unlike the current account, the savings account is meant only for operations for payment and cash withdrawal: there are no check books, credit cards and other services for the current account but only the opportunity to go to the bank to withdraw or pay.
Some banks alongside the savings an ATM card empowered to perform the same operations from the ATM.

Compensation that is paid or charged for the loan of capital, in proportion to the duration and extent expressed routinely reported as a percentage per annum. What are


L ' Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) is an index that represents the average rate at which financial transactions take place in Euro between large European banks. It is very reliable indication of the cost of money, because who knows more of the banks money to buy and sell at the right price?
detection Euribor is every working day so that its value is always perfectly up to date. Reliability Euribor led practically all the banks to anchor it to the oscillation of adjustable rate mortgages che propongono.

Cos'e' lo spread ? Si tratta del ricarico che ogni banca decide di aggiungere al tasso di base quale proprio ricavo.Il principio è puramente commerciale.
Il commerciante (la banca) compra il prodotto (il denaro) ad un prezzo (tasso di scambio interbancario=euribor) e lo rivende alla sua clientela ricaricato di un margine di guadagno (spread).
La collocazione del denaro mediante un finanziamento al cliente dovrà perciò avvenire ad un tasso un po' più alto di quello Euribor. Ciò consentirà alla banca di compensare le spese, i rischi dell'operazione e di avere un utile. Questo incremento è chiamato appunto "spread".

Mortgage Loan for a purpose, a deferral that provides for the return of regular rates of capital and interest payments to climb.
An adjustable rate mortgage will thus be repaid at a rate set by the criterion where the Euribor Euribor + Spread is the variable rate, while the fixed spread will remain unchanged for the duration of the loan.
Even for fixed-rate mortgages it comes to spread. Here, however, the spread will be used to calculate the rate only once, on the day of signing the loan agreement, because then the rate of interest will no longer be any updates.

Granting of credit granted by the bank on your bank account. This is the opportunities for the customer to use at any time and in any way the amounts made available by the institution's credit rule without notice and without specific repayment obligations in terms of time.


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