Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fungal Infection On Anus

Via a bit 'of stones from shoes .. The fair value

  • Perchè sto attivando dei corsi, dopo che per anni ho criticato i corsi di parkour?
La scena del parkour in Italia esiste solo da 6 anni, da quando cioè, il primo workshop di parkour è stato fatto (2005, ). Da subito corsi di parkour sono sbucati in tutta Italia, alcuni addirittura rilasciavano certificati per l'insegnamento e altre patacche. Di fatto chi insegnava parkour aveva alle spalle si e no qualche anno di pratica e, ad andar bene, esperienze in altri campi. Al tempo nè David Belle nè gli Yamakasi si erano ancora espressi teaching, and the method of training was still unknown. Until a few years ago, so, I believed that those irresponsible and out of legality learning capabilities of parkour. Now that we have gone a bit 'of years and some actually increased, by training since then, things are a bit' different. Parkour is entered in the media and more and more guys are close, dangerously, on youtube. At this point I think a course of parkour, traceur held by an expert, is the best way (but not the only possible) to bring a newcomer to this discipline. So I decided to start courses for (1) forward, an increasing number of stakeholders, the parkour in the right way, ie not through easily misleading images (as explained in other post) but through a personal relationship (which is the only way to convey something that goes beyond the simple movements) and (2) to try to give a quality alternative to the spread of Parkour classes taught by inexperienced people.

  • Because I wanted to take the Adpative? and what do you think of certifications?
The desire to take the ADAPT we've had since, in Finland for a meeting, I learned a preview of its existence. Mainly the impetus was personal, the desire to test themselves and see if the most experienced practitioners of the world I thought could (ok, psicanalizzatemi pure :P). Poi, durante gli anni di attesa e durante le settimane di esame, la mia idea è venuta evolvendosi e ho capito che era necessario un sistema per decidere se legittimare o meno una persona ad insegnare il parkour. Sarò anche ingenuo, ma non credo che dietro alla certificazione di Parkour UK ci sia chissà quale business.. è il tentativo di fare un po' di chiarezza, altrimenti succede come nel mondo delle arti marziali: ognuno apre la sua scuola, tutti litigano su chi insegna lo stile veroe gli studenti non hanno nessuna garanzia di imparare quello che vogliono imparare. Ad ogni buon conto, al momento, non ritengo che chi non sia in possesso di una certificazione non possa o non debba insegnare, certe realtà in Italia sono serie ed affidabili, just do not appear distingubili from all the others, and a network of trust that is self-legitimizing milgiore I do not think the way: it remains a self-referential approach, local and Italian dangerously.

  • Why I will work in the gym, after deciding not to allenarmici myself?
The fact that, as already written in a previous post, I have no interest in the gym to train for me not to say that the gym should not be used (years ago, however, thought otherwise .. I was very hard line on this dot). I realized that of all the people who begin to practice parkour, only a minority will come to understand thoroughly and practice it seriously. Again, as in the martial arts, not all children who enroll in the course of Judo men faced an ever competitive match, the fact remains that all children who play Ottange of personal benefits. Hence the gym becomes a useful tool to bring as many people as possible, giving everyone an opportunity to choose whether to remain or become a traceur for students who want to keep fit or do some work 'on their balance, for example.

  • Why I made the choice to work as show business, advertising, or pay the same courses?
Here the main point of all this .. is always a question of money, in the end, right? Unfortunately, seeing a number of years traceur stop practicing to work commitments, I realized that the only way to stop exercising and do not begin to consider a hobby parkour Sunday, was to match my work commitments with those parkouristici. And then, after receiving the ADAPT, I triggered the chain of events that led me to decide to try to have an economic return that would allow me to continue to invest as long as I wanted, without prejudice to the question of ethics professional on which I have already said earlier.

Dedicated to my strictest critics, Viruz, and Lulu, and all those who go to the bottom if you do not see it clearly.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Happened To Kate's Playground


Observatory on the Balkans and Caucasus , Mihaela Iordache inspired by a tragedy that took place in the neonatal intensive care unit Giulesti hospital in Bucharest, where five babies have died and six others still struggling to live, we speak of the disastrous conditions in which the Romanian health system.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Broken Dodge Truck Rear Window


After the Court of Turin, also, that Salerno was convicted of conduct anti-union administration that aveva ritenuto di poter decidere, unilateralmente, su materie che i CCNL vigenti attribuiscono alla competenza della contrattazione integrativa, adducendo alla nuova disciplina contenuta nel decreto legislativo 150/09 (decreto Brunetta).

Atteggiamenti, questi, intrapresi da diverse Amministrazioni che non distinguono, forse volutamente, tra fase transitoria - art. 65 del d.l.vo 150/09 (che dura fino alla fine del 2011 per le Aziende del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), e fase a regime.

Nel merito della fase transitoria che affida alla contrattazione integrativa il compito di modificare gli assetti attuali ( contratto integrativo vigente) e solo dopo tale data prevede la loro decadenza, lasciando peraltro un vuoto normativo on how they should be replaced the decayed material, the second phase coincides with the coming on the law and then with the completion of the new model will begin with the establishment of the branches and areas of management and will end with the signing of collective bargaining for the years 2013 - 2015, since the block for contracts from 2010 to 2012.

Since the conclusion of new contracts of employment, may apply the laws that modify the decree. 165/2001 and national contracts that will own the other pillar is essential to the functioning of the new model.

In truth, therefore, that until the signing of the new national labor contract, continues to be in force considering the current national contracts, too, which is expected in all the clause which extended the term, even beyond the expiry date until the award of new contracts.

on these assumptions is based essentially the Judgement of the Court of Salerno, which reconstructs the decree of condemnation against a municipality, providing further information that matters relating to the remuneration as the national contract in the sector regions and local governments, provides for retention strengthened in favor of bargaining that the administration can not circumvent with unilateral decisions.

standards, they provided, even in existing contracts of staff Health Fund.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Unsecured Line Of Credit Table Canada

The role of voluntary codes of conduct

S i è detto che ogni sistema di governo societario si fonda sulle condizioni sociali, economiche, giuridiche e politiche nelle quali opera l’impresa. Alle regole che formano i diversi codici di autodisciplina non è attribuito il compito di incidere sulle scelte degli amministratori ovvero dei manager; esse tendono a evidenziare e minimizzare i rischi connessi alle deci sioni imprenditoriali, migliorando le condizioni generali nell’ambito delle quali la direzione dell’impresa opera e gestisce gli affari. In tal senso i codici rappresentano da un lato una necessaria traduzione e presentazione sistematica  delle norme di legge e regolamentari and on the other are aimed to formulate principles of conduct for companies that provide a profitable and proper relationship with the market. On the other hand, the same rules has also recognized the role of food independence and investor confidence on the loyalty of management to shareholders and the company. You can also add that sometimes the Code (best practice) is assigned the role of fill the gaps with self-regulatory solutions precept which, though not to be replaced by mandatory standards and mandatory
may contribute to the improvement of business law . Moreover, since the objective to achieve a reliable and efficient system of government-owned enterprise, it also derives from the minimization of the cost of capital in an international context of lively competition for access to financial markets. However, codes of conduct, not a medicine that cures all evil - however, when combined with more effective rules of prevention, punishment of acting in conflict of interest, abuse of corporate opportunities, insider trading by directors included in a more stringent discipline of accounting transparency, with particular reference to groups, reinforced by rules on internal control, including legislation on accountability and auditors - Can be a great way to bring the management of public company to the rules of fairness, that ethics and the law have placed first at the very basis of capitalism.

SOURCE: Thesis of P. Fabozzi, "Corporate governance and value creation: empirical analysis on listed companies'

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Corporate governance and ownership structure of the

L 'analysis of the ownership structure of an enterprise as a tool for Corporate Governance is divided in two aspects:

1) The composition of the ownership structure, which concerns the identity of the holders of shares of the company (management, I know ns subject public or private financial companies or non-financial, shareholder
individual or institutional investors).

2) The concentration of property rights, which affects the amount of shares held by each shareholder. A concentrated ownership structure is defined as the shareholders of the company consists of major shareholders who hold shares of the capital. The composition

and the degree of concentration of ownership structure overlap in the mechanisms for the exercise of corporate governance and, in some cases, in a manner inconsistent influence on value creation. In business, seldom we see a clear separation between ownership and control. It is common, in fact, the case in which the holders of control are also owners of a significant proportion of shares in the company or, conversely, in case the owners of a significant number of shares, by virtue of their equity position, have an important role in management. It is reasonable to assume that the presence of management in the corporate structure, producing a greater coincidence between ownership e controllo, conduce ad un migliore allineamento degli interessi dei soggetti titolari della gestione con quelli degli azionisti il che riduce i conflitti di interesse e si traduce, in ultima analisi, in un valore d’impresa più alto. D’altra parte, però, una concentrazione dei diritti di proprietà nelle mani del management può produrre pericolosi effetti di autoreferenza che pongono i dirigenti in una posizione di privilegio che gli permette di perseguire i propri interessi personali senza più la minaccia di essere rimpiazzati. Come sottolinea Holderness (2003) una struttura proprietaria concentrata potrebbe indurre i detentori di quote rilevanti di capitali ad esercitare il loro potere di voto per depauperare risorse or to enjoy benefits that are not shared with minority shareholders. These benefits can be either monetary, what are the disproportionate levels of remuneration which it may enjoy the shareholder-manager or synergies enjoyed by the holder of a controlling interest, and non-monetary, as the visibility enjoyed by those who check newspapers or sports clubs. A company with a widespread ownership, however, could produce lower performance. The presence of many shareholders who hold shares in a very little capital (type of public company) reduces, in fact, the incentive for the individual shareholder to take action to influence the decisions taken by the owners of the management and to expend resources to monitor the behavior of management. The concentration of ownership goes hand shareholders to exercise more control over management that results in a higher degree of efficiency and thus increase the total value of the business.

SOURCE: Thesis of P. Fabozzi, "Corporate governance and value creation: empirical analysis on listed companies'

Tricks In Pokemon Deluge


socio Sanitation deserve special attention on the recognition of their profession.

E 'This was the statement of the technical board FIALS established within the Ministry of Health to seek guidance unit, the same Ministry and the Conference of Regions, to give dignity to these professional and economic operators given the situation uneven among the different regions, not only for training and qualification courses, but also for activities that are handled by these professionals in health care.

Crucial to the table is the technical work being done by MIGEP (associations, trade unions, which represents the formation of the class), whose shares FIALS the principles and objectives laid on the table and the technician who is working to find workable solutions.

ministerial working at the table have been analyzed data from some regions, aimed at quantifying the socio sizes and Sanitation to highlight and compare the different criteria adopted by each region with regard to training.

The comparative assessment of these data revealed how the training programs are uneven from region to region both for the articulation of hours of course work and internships, however, modulated on the process of upgrading, both with regard to how di svolgimento dei corsi.

Si registra inoltre un progressivo ed omogeneo affidamento della formazione dalle Aziende Sanitarie Locali ad Istituti di formazione privati accreditati presso i competenti Assessorati del Lavoro, senza un preventivo esame del reale fabbisogno del sistema sanitario della figura dell’O.S.S.

Con riferimento alla formazione complementare si segnalano: a) la poca formazione per quel che riguarda la conoscenza delle patologie e scarsissima per quel che concerne l’insegnamento della farmacologia e dell’anatomia; b) la perdita di importanza della relazione con il paziente.

Durante i lavori della Commissione è emerso che nella Regione Lombardia oggi si continua a formare l’A.S.A.. That figure then he still works in social and health structures and assist at home. It 'was then asked the Commission how it can be reconciled within the national collective bargaining.

The working group has analyzed, including the report submitted by Migep, fully shared, and taken as a reference point in order to initiate the restatement of a uniform national curriculum for OSS.

Dr Leonardi, acting as representative of the Ministry, as well as having asked for more active cooperation in regions binding (Migep), trade unions, Ipasvi and midwives present at the technical table, then the working group formulated a number of questions:

· the OSS sizes are 100 000 trusted?;

100 000 · the OSS is a fact in line with the health care needs?;

What cleaning is the number of OSS to form in the opinion of the work table?;

· How many OSS are organic in health facilities and social assistance?;

• Which activities are required and carried out effectively?

Finally it was confirmed that with OSS, the training necessary to identify what are the gaps.

Working Table will continue its work at the end of September.