Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ron Pope Fireflies Piano Sheet Music Free


The Council of Ministers on 26 June '09 in approving the decree crisis has provided for significant changes in public policy use giving reason to the protests of the vibrating FIALS on sick leave.

is deleted the second sentence of paragraph 3 of art. 71 of law 133/2008 "Brunetta" regarding the availability of time slots for visits employee tax. No more prison availability times from hours 8 to 13 am and from 14 to 20, but returns from today (date of publication in the Official Gazette of the decree) to the old bands from hour 10 to 12 hours and from 17 to 19.

The decree contains, including the amendment of paragraph 11 art. 72 of the same legge133/2008. A rule that severely penalizes all employees interested in retirement and in particular the medical management. With a sleight of hand the government has reintroduced a rule, in respect of the years 2009 - 2010 and 2011, which allows any government department, as well as those of the National Health Service of to unilaterally terminate the relationship work and the individual contract maximum length of contribution to the completion of 40 years with six months notice.

In dl there are also measures that prevent the dismissal of the precarious of public administration. Is deleted from the guillotine June 30 (date contained in the Senate in 1167, never approved the measure, as the deadline for the stabilization) and for the first time do not talk about December 31, 2009 as the deadline for the stabilization, but the three years 2010-2012.


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