Thursday, December 30, 2010

100 Bottles Of Beer Slots Machines


- Sometimes even the "need" to prove something can be left at home - as long as most of the time we bring it back and you know how to exploit to their advantage. In tha clown was a play, a free evening, the workout is very different.

Sweet'n'sour (bittersweet) summarizes some 'the emotion of a hard workout, feel the sweetness of peace, be totally present and the roughness of fatigue, new wounds that we are doing. In a good exercise to ask yourself a target, calculating a bit to push the limits' beyond the previous exercise, the framework allows us to squeeze your body and mind to pass a new milestone. On the other hand Parkour without air conditioning - mental and physical - is not parkour.

specifically. The movement in question, a jump of arms on a column, has been "unlocked" only the day before he was shot on video. I thought it just opened to repeat a movement which requires about 80% of my ability would be a good test: In addition to subject the body to a lot of stress, would have required a dose of very high concentration and constant. I decided to make only 100 because I knew that I would have incurred significant impacts, especially in the joints of the arms.

Result: I finished my 100 reps in 50 minutes, and addressed in blocks of 5 (more or less). The limiting aspect, as I had imagined, is the inflammation of tendons, especially the elbows: the rapid clamping must remain attached to the column has tremendous repeat and consumes 100 times. Around the seventieth I began to suffer, and I had to extend some 'recovery time. For what it's worth I think that the muscles and the head would right another 200 repetitions. Back home, I smeared a bit 'of capidol and I had a couple of average horsetail potion, and after a couple of days off elbows and shoulders are ready for the next workout.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is Anyone Out There Chat Rooms

In tha clown picture to

Sometimes even the "need" to prove something can be left at home. You can leave, the night cold and wet, and improvise, work on perception, enjoy the situation, derive psychogeography. And so no virtuoso, dirty and improvised sequences, spot new brand new, in "my" new neighborhood. This output is was a bit 'as the first rubbed on the new tree, I'm marking my territory again training:)
As for the music: the original idea was no sound, only it was too boring and I opted for a more friendly . The video was shot in one evening, an hour of exploration. Never underestimate the cold and wet underfoot and on the fingers, make similar moves very different.