Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyday Minerals Comparable

ASS under the magnifying glass. Close to hiring and appointments.

From DGR nr.2333 of 22.10.2009 shows that the management bodies of the Regional Health Service established as at 30 June 2009, projected to December 31, 2009, an operating loss estimated at EUR 9,504,850.00. The result

estimated to 31.12.2009 does not include the financing of Euro 6,000,000.00 tied to performance.

In order to limit the severity of the alleged deficit of the Regional Health Service, with DGR nr.2335 of 22.10.2009, and corrective measures are taken to amend the 2009 annual program, both for companies which provide an estimate of closing balance in 2009 is for those expecting a profit or loss of balance in 2009 will not close:

1. for companies which provide an estimate of the financial year
2009 non in equilibrio, l’autorizzazione all’assunzione di personale dipendente, è
subordinata a specifica autorizzazione della competente Direzione centrale
salute e protezione sociale;

2. per le Aziende che prevedono una stima di chiusura dell’esercizio
2009 in equilibrio, l’autorizzazione all’assunzione di personale dipendente
dei ruoli amministrativo e tecnico,con esclusione della figura
dell’operatore socio-sanitario, è subordinata a specifica autorizzazione della
competente Direzione centrale salute e protezione sociale;

3. per tutte le Aziende del SSR, le procedure finalizzate alla copertura
degli incarichi di Operational structure of the complex (SOC) and Operational Structure
simple (SOS) department, shall be subject to specific authorization of the Central Directorate
competent health and social protection.


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