Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyday Minerals Comparable

ASS under the magnifying glass. Close to hiring and appointments.

From DGR nr.2333 of 22.10.2009 shows that the management bodies of the Regional Health Service established as at 30 June 2009, projected to December 31, 2009, an operating loss estimated at EUR 9,504,850.00. The result

estimated to 31.12.2009 does not include the financing of Euro 6,000,000.00 tied to performance.

In order to limit the severity of the alleged deficit of the Regional Health Service, with DGR nr.2335 of 22.10.2009, and corrective measures are taken to amend the 2009 annual program, both for companies which provide an estimate of closing balance in 2009 is for those expecting a profit or loss of balance in 2009 will not close:

1. for companies which provide an estimate of the financial year
2009 non in equilibrio, l’autorizzazione all’assunzione di personale dipendente, è
subordinata a specifica autorizzazione della competente Direzione centrale
salute e protezione sociale;

2. per le Aziende che prevedono una stima di chiusura dell’esercizio
2009 in equilibrio, l’autorizzazione all’assunzione di personale dipendente
dei ruoli amministrativo e tecnico,con esclusione della figura
dell’operatore socio-sanitario, è subordinata a specifica autorizzazione della
competente Direzione centrale salute e protezione sociale;

3. per tutte le Aziende del SSR, le procedure finalizzate alla copertura
degli incarichi di Operational structure of the complex (SOC) and Operational Structure
simple (SOS) department, shall be subject to specific authorization of the Central Directorate
competent health and social protection.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Growth Hormones Early Menstruation

Reassessment of organic plants, distribution groups, fund balance in red

meeting of the union 09/10/2009

The company considers inopportune to implement the three-year plan provided for in the vertical progressions of 11 February 2009 restating what is in the full-time staffing equivalent.

Currently each unit is involved in the recognition of the work plans from the following: hours of operation of the facility, outpatient activity, time workers, coverage hours with consultants and ready availability.

In calculating the total requirements will take account of holidays, sick leave short, midweek holiday, training hours, and the limitations or assumptions by Act 68 will be assessed in the operational unit considering the correct location.

The hours worked in part-time unit is equivalent to the attainment of 36 hours, unlike today, that every worker to part-time equivalent to one unit.
Only after determining the staffing, the company will identify the necessary coordination and functional organization .
The details of allocation will be those covered by legislation and contract in force at the time.

The company shall not begin in 2008 at the age of personal health services from other companies, as required by the Agreement of 13 May 2009 , not signed by FIALS as not meeting the criteria established by the previous Agreement of 11 February 2009.
The reasons are given in the declaration in the minutes attached to the implemented by decree No. 265 of May 27, 2009
( Click here to read the text of the decree, our statement on page 5 in the minutes )

È rinviata al 2 novembre la decisione sul mancato riconoscimento dell’1% del monte salari sul fondo produttività 2008, causa chiusura bilancio in passivo.
La FIALS chiederà il rispetto degli accordi precedentemente siglati tesi a tutelare, la quota di produttività generale percepita da TUTTI i lavoratori dell’azienda.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Harold & Kumar Escape Bottomless

productivity, wages falling, parachute sull'ASS No. 5


Con decreti nr.262 del 21.5.2009 e 296 dell’11.6.2009 l’azienda ha approvato The annual figures for 2008 that shows a loss for the year of € 1,441,047

The fund contractual Productivity was 2008 Constitution also stipulates that the additional quota of 1% of payroll in 2001 considered that the loss was not attributable to the factor human.

The current leadership had shelved the shares below 1%, net of reflections, with the intent to proceed with the payment balance in the treatment of incentive approval of the final by the relevant regional bodies:

- € 233,596.63
area of \u200b\u200bsector - area of \u200b\u200bleadership Med / vet. € 109,284.33
- area of \u200b\u200bmanagement SPTA € 12,093.83

GR by resolution 1953 of 27.08.2009 has approved your changes to the agency's Regional Health Report 2008 to the Company providing for:

The decrease in the provision of incentives to fund employees of € 474,956.27: the amount represents the additional 1% share of the wage bill (including charges to 33.80%), according to contract law, is an increase in the provision of productivity / income in the presence of scrap management and a balanced budget .

not to reduce the supply of care and limit conseguenze all’utenza

con DGR 2016 del 9.9.2009, relativa al bilancio preventivo 2009, vengono stanziati, in via straordinaria e limitatamente all’anno 2009:

- i maggiori costi, pari a 679.464,04 Euro, che l’ASS 5 deve sostenere per conto degli enti del SSR in relazione all’emergenza estiva su Lignano. L’azienda ha proposto un progetto, inserito nella documentazione, per la soluzione dell’emergenza.
I costi relativi a tale progetto dovranno essere debitamente rendicontati dall’azienda;
- l’ Integrazione al finanziamento a copertura costi 2,7% sul 2008, pari a 420.535,96 Euro, relativo alla necessità to ensure that all companies in the SSR, an increase of funding in 2009 amounted to 2.7% of the cost 2008;
- the company's restatement of contractual funds for the implementation of the Act dell'ASS5 business amounted to Euro 412,000.00

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Credit Card Reader/writer Can Rewrite Information

Bad News: The City is taking a step back and makes up a technical committee made up of managers of broadcast radio

was too good to be true to 4 months of suffering in order to reduce compliance of installations Forte Montagnolo the City makes up a technical committee made up of managers of broadcast radio and a representative of any service, hygiene and public health dell'ASUR, no representative of the citizens or of committees dealing electromagnetic pollution even if they have specifically requested to participate in the proceedings! Finally (the icing) suspending the application of the Ordinance.
The reason: it is hoped that broadcasters do you come up some brilliant ideas to respect the limits of the law (6 V / m) with 4 7 plants all located in the same area .
Moral: people's health can perhaps wait until 2020 ....

The press release reassuring (for radio and television operators)>>