Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Happened To American Ironhorse


Nel momento in cui ad un lavoratore sopravvenga un grave lutto familiare, durante la fruizione del periodo di ferie, il dipendente può interrompere il congedo ferie e usufruire del permesso per lutto .

In ipotesi di decesso di parente entro il secondo grado, il permesso retribuito di tre giorni, cui il lavoratore ha diritto ai sensi della L. 8/3/2000 n. 53, interrompe il decorso delle ferie; sussiste pertanto, in tal caso, il diritto a tre giorni di “ferie aggiuntive”. (Trib. Milano 23/4/2003, Est. Peragallo, in D&L 2003, 733)

La nuova normativa sui congedi familiari introdotta con la L. n. 53/2000, in particolare sul diritto the worker paid leave of three working days per year in the event of death or documented serious illness of a spouse or relative within the second degree, has not covered the possibility of overlap of different causes suspension of the report such as holidays and bereavement leave. Therefore, if the event occurs during the mourning period for use of leave by the employee, in relation to the principle of effectiveness of the holiday also widely repeated by the Court of Cassation and the consideration that the situation is similar to that which is to create in the event of illness occurring during the holiday period, need to apply the principle stated with reference to the latter case by the Constitutional Court, with the result that mourning suspends the enjoyment of the holidays. (23/04/2003 Court of Milan, East Paragallo, in Lav. The jury. 2003, 1167)


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