Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Heal Mouth Cuts From Braces

Planning Survival Kit

Well, since I'm leaving for a nice trip through remote landscapes giungleschi, I thought to write a little 'about the long-range or parkour parkour planetarium.
This type of move could be part of the group "long-distance / scan" (from the post about the ): the most important things are, therefore, la pianificazione, la tecnica di sopravvivenza e l'intelligeza sociale.
Senza tediarvi troppo con la concettualizzazione, passo alle questioni pratiche. Il kit di sopravvivenza. Avevo già accennato all'importanza di quest'oggetto , ed in questi mesi ho progettato e realizzato il mio personalissimo kit. Ricordate comunque che io non sono un medico e, sebbene mi sia fatto consigliare da medici esperti e viaggiatori di professione, tutto ciò che leggete io lo sperimento sulla mia pelle a mio rischio e pericolo.

  1. Provetta di plastica (ad Amsterdam conteneva uno spinello :)) contenete 3 cloves of 6 cm and a blade cutter (you can build a pawl, for triggering traps, shelter .. the blade can be used for first aid) kits
  2. fish hooks with hooks of different sizes and a beautiful skein of nylon
  3. Betadine resistant to potable water (bottle of eye drops), 4 drops of H20 L clear, decant an hour, or 8 drops per L of H20 cloudy, decant for 1 hour. In addition it will disinfect the wounds (in the journey is more important to disinfect that when you train in the house)
  4. Pencil, you never know who wants to write a poem .. Emergency!
  5. sewing kit with needles of different sizes, safety pins and a skein of about ten meters in very strong and very thin nylon thread
  6. Silica gel to absorb moisture in the box
  7. wire for drying clothes with elastic springs with
  8. rubber tube to drink from a small hole
  9. Waterproof Bag with a sheet of paper, a sterile gauze and tape format family
  10. hair band
  11. Whistle Compass
  12. emergency tank (a plastic bag to be inserted in the lid of a plastic bottle cut, with elastic to secure it)
  13. Kit
  14. fire (always in one of those plastic tubes of Amsterdam): candle, matches, windproof and waterproof.
  15. Reflective surface for signaling
  16. Medicines with information collated and plastic: Formistin (antihistamine), Dissenten (diarrhea), Tachipirina (fever, flu) and azithromycin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic for emergencies)
  17. box ready for the trip, compared in size with 3D glasses for movies (I saw Avatar)


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