Thursday, December 30, 2010

100 Bottles Of Beer Slots Machines


- Sometimes even the "need" to prove something can be left at home - as long as most of the time we bring it back and you know how to exploit to their advantage. In tha clown was a play, a free evening, the workout is very different.

Sweet'n'sour (bittersweet) summarizes some 'the emotion of a hard workout, feel the sweetness of peace, be totally present and the roughness of fatigue, new wounds that we are doing. In a good exercise to ask yourself a target, calculating a bit to push the limits' beyond the previous exercise, the framework allows us to squeeze your body and mind to pass a new milestone. On the other hand Parkour without air conditioning - mental and physical - is not parkour.

specifically. The movement in question, a jump of arms on a column, has been "unlocked" only the day before he was shot on video. I thought it just opened to repeat a movement which requires about 80% of my ability would be a good test: In addition to subject the body to a lot of stress, would have required a dose of very high concentration and constant. I decided to make only 100 because I knew that I would have incurred significant impacts, especially in the joints of the arms.

Result: I finished my 100 reps in 50 minutes, and addressed in blocks of 5 (more or less). The limiting aspect, as I had imagined, is the inflammation of tendons, especially the elbows: the rapid clamping must remain attached to the column has tremendous repeat and consumes 100 times. Around the seventieth I began to suffer, and I had to extend some 'recovery time. For what it's worth I think that the muscles and the head would right another 200 repetitions. Back home, I smeared a bit 'of capidol and I had a couple of average horsetail potion, and after a couple of days off elbows and shoulders are ready for the next workout.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is Anyone Out There Chat Rooms

In tha clown picture to

Sometimes even the "need" to prove something can be left at home. You can leave, the night cold and wet, and improvise, work on perception, enjoy the situation, derive psychogeography. And so no virtuoso, dirty and improvised sequences, spot new brand new, in "my" new neighborhood. This output is was a bit 'as the first rubbed on the new tree, I'm marking my territory again training:)
As for the music: the original idea was no sound, only it was too boring and I opted for a more friendly . The video was shot in one evening, an hour of exploration. Never underestimate the cold and wet underfoot and on the fingers, make similar moves very different.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Aveno Baby Eczema Care


Workers have the right to recognition of the time it takes to wear every day and stop working clothes, with a possible recognition, including cash, as shown by a number of judgments.

The Fials recalls that "the judges of the Supreme Court has repeatedly addressed the matter, stating that the timetable within the actual working time spent by the employee also to carry out the preliminary and essential for the performance of their duties, then also wear work clothes. "

a court in Milan in 1995, has in fact ruled that the working time begins when the employee enters the company and is it subject to the entrepreneur, in 2004 the Milan court ruled that the donning working time.

To these are added other similar judgments of the Supreme Court in 1998 and 2006 . The consequences of the subsequent ruling of the Supreme Court of July 22, 2008, require the calculation of the time spent donning and doffing in 'working hours (with relative wages) if these acts are performed in the workplace, while if need be, "available for corporate domicile of the worker (think eg clerks) the time needed for this operation will not be counted as working time. "

A question that after the Court No 270179 of 2008 has already been addressed by Fials other regions. For example, the directive of 25 August 2009 by the Lombardy Region Court noted that allowing the recognition of 20 minutes of time each employee to wear work clothes and stop at the rosters. For the previous proposal was to pay them each a sum of 500 € "for not having enjoyed the benefit in the last five years."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Craigslist Swing Set Free Ga


The government appealing to the services she can proceed the review of concessions for the transformation of public employment from full-time to part-time or deny the granting of part-time.

The review will result in revocation of part-time at the time granted without the need to prove "serious injury" resulting from the given system of part-time work.

's administration, in essence, it will just consider that one or more employment relationships to part-time jeopardize the organizational efficiency of the office or service. In
health will be affected especially the women challenging task that has always choices in life taking care of children, home, family, seniors.

will be the d onne ad essere chiamate a una scelta alternativa tra un lavoro pubblico di nuovo imposto a tempo pieno o l’abbandono del lavoro .

L’ 85 % dei lavoratori in part-time è donna .

Picchi di part-time si riscontrano proprio nel servizio sanitario nazionale (quasi 60.000 i part-time, pari al 9% del totale).
L’ Italia, secondo i nuovi dati del global gender gap report 2010 è ultima in Europa in tema di pari opportunità tra i sessi e addirittura, è regredita al 95° posto, su 134 Paesi esaminati dal rapporto, nella classifica relativa all’accesso e alle opportunità delle donne nel mondo del lavoro.

Con la restrizione del part-time that lies ahead, the Italian women employed Italy will decline further still fall in the standings (we are preceded by countries such as Ghana, Vietnam, The Dominican Republic!).

Unions have made themselves felt, and even women in Parliament have considered it to defend the rights of women.

functionality and efficiency of services does not depend on workers' rights, but the capacity to find solutions in line with organizational and social environmental changes.

Defend your rights, "the government in case of refusal or withdrawal of part-time must provide objective justification and not a generic not on the efficiency of the service resulting from the processing of employment.
The rule was created to remove the abuse of two men working for the civil service, with the current modifications, denies years of achievements of women.

how they've changed the rules of employment to part-time after the decree law of 25 June 2008, No. 112, with amendments by Law No. 133 August 6, 2008

art.1 Law December 23, 1996, No 662

paragraph 57. The ratio of part-time work can be made for all the profiles belonging to the various professional qualifications or levels of employees government, excluding the military, the police and the national fire brigade.

paragraph 58. The transformation of employment from full time to part-time may be granted (instead of "automatically ") within sixty days of the request, which is indicated whether as an employee or self- that the employee intends to play. The administration, within the said period, negates the transformation of the relationship in the case where the work of self-employed or employed involving a conflict of interest with la specifica attività di servizio svolta dal dipendente ovvero, nel caso in cui la trasformazione comporti, in relazione alle mansioni e alla posizione organizzativa ricoperta dal dipendente, pregiudizio (invece di " grave pregiudizio ") alla funzionalità dell'amministrazione stessa. La trasformazione non può essere comunque concessa qualora l'attività lavorativa di lavoro subordinato debba intercorrere con un'amministrazione pubblica. Il dipendente è tenuto, inoltre, a comunicare, entro quindici giorni, all'amministrazione nella quale presta servizio, l'eventuale successivo inizio o la variazione dell'attività lavorativa. fatte salve le esclusioni di cui al comma 57, per il restante personale che esercita competenze istituzionali in materia di giustizia, di difesa e di sicurezza dello stato, di ordine e di sicurezza pubblica, con esclusione del personale di polizia municipale e provinciale, le modalità di costituzione dei rapporti di lavoro a tempo parziale ed i contingenti massimi del personale che può accedervi sono stabiliti con decreto del ministro competente, di concerto con il ministro per la funzione pubblica e con il ministro del tesoro.

comma 59 . I risparmi di spesa derivanti dalla trasformazione dei rapporti di lavoro dei dipendenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni da tempo pieno a tempo parziale costituiscono per il 30 per cento economie di bilancio. un quota pari al 70 per cento dei predetti risparmi e' destinata, secondo le modalita' ed i criteri stabiliti dalla contrattazione integrativa, ad incentivare la mobilita' del personale esclusivamente per le amministrazioni che dimostrino di aver provveduto ad attivare piani di mobilita' e di riallocazione mediante trasferimento di personale da una sede all'altra dell'amministrazione stessa. I risparmi eventualmente non utilizzati per le predette finalità costituiscono ulteriori economie di bilancio.

comma 60 . Al di fuori dei casi previsti al comma 56, al personale è fatto divieto di svolgere qualsiasi altra attività di lavoro subordinato o autonomo except that the law or other sources of law shall provide for the authorization issued by the administration of membership and the approval has been granted. the application submitted by the employee shall be considered accepted if within thirty days of presentation is adopted a reasoned decision refusing.

paragraph 61. The violation of the prohibition referred to in paragraph 60, the failure to disclose under paragraph 58 and the communications are not truthful even after the administration site inspections constitute just cause for termination of employment relationships governed by national collective agreements work and constitute cause for revocation by the use for the remaining personnel, provided that the performance of the activities of paid employment undertaken outside the employment relationship with the administration of membership are not rendered free of charge, from voluntary associations or cooperatives to social-welfare nonprofit. procedures for the determination of the causes of withdrawal or revocation shall take place in an adversarial process between the parties.

paragraph 62. To carry out spot checks on government employees, aimed ascertain compliance with the provisions of paragraphs 56 to 65, the authorities use their inspection services, which, however, must be made entro il termine perentorio di trenta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della presente legge. analoghe verifiche sono svolte dal dipartimento della funzione pubblica che può avvalersi, d'intesa con le amministrazioni interessate, dei predetti servizi ispettivi, nonché, d'intesa con il ministero delle finanze ed anche ai fini dell'accertamento delle violazioni tributarie, della guardia di finanza.

comma 63 . Le disposizioni di cui ai commi 61 e 62 entrano in vigore il 1 marzo 1997. entro tale termine devono cessare tutte le attività incompatibili con il divieto di cui al comma 60 e a tal fine gli atti di rinuncia all'incarico, comunque denominati, producono effetto dalla data della relativa comunicazione.

paragraph 64. As provided in the preceding paragraphs, precedence is given to family members who assist people with disabilities no less than 70 percent, the mentally ill, frail elderly and parents with minor children in relation to their numbers.


.16-called "job related" The government will reconsider the measures to grant part-time for their employees.

The arrangement is not without implementation problems, what, on the other hand, evidenced by the inclusion of respect for the principles of fairness and good faith.
authorities should exercise the option in the presence of specific and detailed reasons , such as to show precisely the principles set out explicitly by the legislature.

is not clear what measures are subject to possible revision. The article refers to those adopted before the validity of the operation in summer 2008 .
is clear, however, that this period of time, not expressly determined by law, may be infinite. They can also review the government concessions for part-time adopted years ago?
The passage of time has certainly consolidated the situation of the worker, so it is more difficult for the administration giver, enucleate respectful reasons of fairness and good faith. The rule could
understood as referring to the measures adopted for the grant during the period of June 2008.
If the employee had submitted before 25.06.2008 request for conversion to part-time and that request had been formally approved, with effect over time, by the principle regit tempus actum, decision-making because the act would still be adopted, although its effects were produced after the term of the Decree Law 112/2008.
seems that the related work si riferisca alle istanze di part-time presentate nel giugno 2008, come lascerebbe intuire il riferimento alla prima applicazione della manovra d'estate. Tra l'altro, parlare di prima applicazione a oltre due anni di distanza dall'entrata in vigore del dl 112/2008 appare una forzatura, tale da rendere l'attuazione concreta della facoltà concessa dalla legge piuttosto complicata.

Secondo il principio tempus regit actum, la legittimità di un provvedimento amministrativo va valutata, quanto a presupposti di fatto e giuridici, al momento della sua adozione. Ne consegue l'irrilevanza di eventuali provvedimenti successivi che non possono legittimare ex post un provvedimento amministrativo originariamente illegittimo.

Ring Ring Please Pick Up The Telephone Ring Ring


I recently got to write a short article for the magazine BergamoUP. If you are in the province I suggest you take it, le fotografie rendono. Altrimenti ecco per tutti gli interessati, la versione digitale ( scaricabile qui ).

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Happened To American Ironhorse


Nel momento in cui ad un lavoratore sopravvenga un grave lutto familiare, durante la fruizione del periodo di ferie, il dipendente può interrompere il congedo ferie e usufruire del permesso per lutto .

In ipotesi di decesso di parente entro il secondo grado, il permesso retribuito di tre giorni, cui il lavoratore ha diritto ai sensi della L. 8/3/2000 n. 53, interrompe il decorso delle ferie; sussiste pertanto, in tal caso, il diritto a tre giorni di “ferie aggiuntive”. (Trib. Milano 23/4/2003, Est. Peragallo, in D&L 2003, 733)

La nuova normativa sui congedi familiari introdotta con la L. n. 53/2000, in particolare sul diritto the worker paid leave of three working days per year in the event of death or documented serious illness of a spouse or relative within the second degree, has not covered the possibility of overlap of different causes suspension of the report such as holidays and bereavement leave. Therefore, if the event occurs during the mourning period for use of leave by the employee, in relation to the principle of effectiveness of the holiday also widely repeated by the Court of Cassation and the consideration that the situation is similar to that which is to create in the event of illness occurring during the holiday period, need to apply the principle stated with reference to the latter case by the Constitutional Court, with the result that mourning suspends the enjoyment of the holidays. (23/04/2003 Court of Milan, East Paragallo, in Lav. The jury. 2003, 1167)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ice Skating In The Poconos


Approved on October 19, 2010 the related work that introduces important innovations in the field of public service.

Mobility, temporary assignments

In case of transfer of functions from central government to other entities (local governments, or outsourcing), the staff made redundant as you apply the art. 33 of Legislative Decree No 30 March 2001 165 sulle procedure di mobilità collettiva del personale in eccedenza (reimpiego presso sedi diverse della stessa amministrazione, ricollocazione presso altra amministrazione o collocamento in disponibilità per max 24 mesi).

Viene ampliata la possibilità di fruire della mobilità volontaria di cui all’art. 30 del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165 (“passaggio diretto di personale fra amministrazioni diverse”), nella forma dell’assegnazione temporanea per un massimo di tre anni. Al riguardo, si ricorda che nel CCNL dei comparti pubblici era già previsto l’istituto dell’assegnazione temporanea, come forma di mobilità per soddisfare particolari esigenze delle amministrazioni, previo consent of the employee and for a maximum period of 12 months, after which the employee could apply for the card directly in the administration where he had been commanded. Within 60 days the government will have to restate all temporary assignments in the course.

Publication data evaluation

You change the "Privacy Code" in such a way as to allow the government to publish online the details of the evaluations of employees, without the risk of violating the confidentiality of personal data. It specifies that no information be disclosed on grounds of illness or personal nature to cause the abstention from work, or components of the assessment which may have reference to personal and confidential information about employees.


Within 6 months after entry into force of the law, public authorities have the power to "submit a new evaluation measures for granting part-time already adopted before the entry into force of Decree Law No 25 June 2008 112 (converted into Law No 133 of August 6, 2008). Article. 73 of Decree Law was 'demoted' from right to legitimate interest of employees to process the request in relation to the part-time full-time. Since then, transformation has become no longer mandatory, but discretion by government.


It introduces the possibility of obtaining an expectation of 12 months without salary and without the effect of seniority, to start a business or professional self. During this period, the rules on incompatibility of posts and the combined provisions of art. 53 of Legislative Decree No 30 March 2001 165. Please note that in the sectors of public CCNL already foresees the possibility of obtaining unpaid for up to 12 months in three years for personal and family reasons, or for two years and only once in life lavorativa per gravi e documentati motivi di famiglia. Si ricorda inoltre che l’art. 23 bis del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165 ha previsto la possibilità di essere collocati in aspettativa senza assegni “per lo svolgimento di attività presso soggetti e organismi, pubblici o privati, anche operanti in sede internazionale”.

Pari opportunità, mobbing

Vengono introdotte modifiche all’art. 1 del Decreto Legislativo 30 marzo 2001 n. 165, tra cui l'obbligo per le pubbliche amministrazioni di garantire ai lavoratori il rispetto delle pari opportunità e l'assenza di ogni forma di discriminazione, diretta e indiretta, relativa al genere, all'età, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, disability, religion or language, access to employment, treatment and conditions of employment, vocational training, promotion and occupational safety.

There will also be required to ensure a work environment based welfare organization, eliminating all forms of violence or mental in-house.

addition, within 4 months after entry into force of the law, each director will be among its "Committee of One guarantee for equal opportunities, enhancement of the welfare of working people who are against discrimination, with a remit "Consultative, proactive and verification", which will replace the Equal Opportunities Committee and the Joint Committee on the 'bullying' (participatory bodies established by collective bargaining during the session 2002-2005).

Within 3 months after entry into force of the law the Civil Service will issue a directive containing guidelines on how the operation of the new single committee, whose activities will be funded by government. The failure to establish the single committee will involve the responsibility of managers responsible for personnel management.

leave, expectations, permits

The Connected Government delegation to work within 6 months to adopt one or more legislative decrees aimed at "reorganization" of the existing legislation on leave, expectations, and permits "any name" (including, therefore, also permits unions), with the aim of standardizing the rules between the public and private sector.


have modified some parts of Article. 33 of Law No. 5 February 1992 104 (allowed for assistance to people with disabilities in situations of gravity):

the use of permits is limited to spouses, relatives or marriage within the second degree, except in cases where the parents or the spouse of the person to assist abbiano superato i 65 anni o siano deceduti o mancanti, o siano anche loro affetti da grave disabilità;
viene reso esplicito il divieto (già vigente, però, nei fatti, per effetto delle numerose norme interpretative susseguitesi nel corso degli anni) di riconoscere a più di un lavoratore il diritto di assistere la stessa persona (tranne il caso di assistenza a figli con handicap grave);
il diritto a scegliere la sede lavorativa più vicina al proprio domicilio viene trasformato nel diritto a scegliere la sede lavorativa più vicina al domicilio della persona da assistere.
Viene inoltre introdotto l’obbligo per le pubbliche amministrazioni di comunicare alla Funzione Pubblica entro il 31 marzo di ogni anno i nominativi employees who use the permits in art. 33 of Act 104 and the patient and the degree of kinship.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Scotch Laminating Pouches And Id Cards

can happen that the meaning of a rule is hardly capibile or is due to uncertainty in front of the case to judge, you must then seek and understand the exact meaning of that standard.

This search for the real meaning is the interpretation of the rule of law that it is primarily the judge, who must give a solution to the cases submitted to it, then lawyers, legal scholars, and the legislature itself.

based on who performs the interpretation may experience the following cases:

1) authentic interpretation made by the legislature itself that lays down rules to explain a law previously enacted, the rules accordingly have retroactive effect;

2) interpretazione giudiziale effettuata dal giudice quando emette una sentenza per il caso in discussione e che vincola solo le parti in causa;

3) interpretazione dottrinale effettuata da avvocati, professori e altri studiosi del diritto in libri o durante dei convegni.

Può anche succedere che, nel giudizio di un caso, non sia prevista alcuna norma specifica per quel caso e cioè che il giudice si trovi di fronte ad una lacuna della Legge.

In questo caso va applicato l’art. 12 delle “Disposizioni sulla law in general "[ it comes to the Law introducing the Civil Code ] says:

" If a dispute can not be determined with a specific provision, it has in the rules regulate similar cases or similar matters; if the case is still doubt, it is decided according to general principles of law of the State .

This means that the judge on the case, uses the application of a rule that the legislature created to settle a similar case: then we say that the court applies a rule of law by analogy .

You can have two types analogy:

1) analogy of law (legis analogy) when the judge ruled in the case is covered by a rule of law a case unregulated;

2) analogy of law (juris analogy) when a case is not governed by a rule of law is regulated according to the principles of the legal state.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

When Should I Wax Again

Interpretation of the legal effectiveness of the law in time and space

Stabilire l’efficacia della Legge nel tempo significa precisare il momento in cui iniziano e terminano gli effetti della legge stessa. La legge, generalmente, inizia a produrre i suoi effetti il 15° giorno successivo a quello della pubblicazione sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale per cui solo da quel momento la legge diventa obbligatoria per tutti: è questo il principio della non retroattività in base al quale ogni legge dispone solo per l’avvenire.

In general, a law remains in force until repealed [ 's repeal is the institution through which the legislature establishes the termination of his mandate effectiveness of the law retroactive ]. The repeal may be:

1) expressed : if it is expressly established by the legislature;

2) tacit : If the above provisions are incompatible with the new Law they automatically lose their effectiveness;

3) implied if the new law rule more broadly the previous law.)

The law may also be repealed by a referendum [= instrument through which the voters are consulted on specific issues directly by voting] that can be requested by at least 500,000 voters or five regional councils.

Act Establishing the effectiveness of space means indicate the territory and people under a given law . In our system there are the following principles:

1) principle of Nationality: nationals of a foreign state who are in Italy, applies to certain matters (such as, for example. For the capacity to act) the law of the State to which it belongs;

2) principle of territoriality: to citizens of any state who are in Italy applies to certain matters (such as, for example. In case of criminal offenses), the law of the Italian State;

3) principle of freedom of choice: foreign citizens in Italy may choose, for certain matters (such as, for example. in the event of signing a contract), what state is the law that will regulate this matter;

4) principle of reciprocity: citizens to a foreign country are recognized certain rights in Italy provided that the foreign state to recognize equal rights for Italian citizens in that state.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sign For Guestbook Table

The rule of law, the sources and hierarchy

[ Last updated 21/10/10]

Our daily life (family, school, work, during the sports, etc.) is governed by a set of rules that determine what the correct behavior should be taken by us and by others.
These rules are called social norms because governing the behavior of the individual as part of a company.
Of all these rules relate to conduct some external (not private) individual; others, such as religious rules, moral, etc., is concerned with private behavior.
In addition, some rules unique to the principles of fairness or good manners (eg. Be punctual at school or at work), others belong to specific regulations (sports, road traffic, etc.).
In the first case a possible transgression leads only to a personal hardship or disapproval of the group, while in the latter case, the violation may lead to disciplinary action.
This means that only certain social norms have the character of compulsory ie that must be met: these are the rules of law, namely legal rules and the complex the legal rules in force in a given state is called legal system.
The legal rule is a rule that governs the life of a company and can be relied upon "by force" (coercive) means that those who do not respect it suffers a punishment (sanction).
Therefore we can also say that the rule of law is a description of certain events which occur are related to certain consequences.
From this definition we derive two characteristics: " description of certain facts" and " certain consequences."
Nel diritto la “descrizione di certi fatti” si chiama fattispecie mentre la “determinata conseguenza” si chiama statuizione .

Oltre alla obbligatorietà le norme giuridiche hanno anche altre caratteristiche che sono:
- astrattezza : la norma è la previsione di un caso ipotetico che diventa concreto e specifico solo nel momento in cui si verifica il fatto;
- generalità : la norma regola il comportamento di tutti e non solo del singolo (per es. la legge non dice che solo il sig. Rossi deve essere arrestato se ruba, bensì che " chiunque ruba deve essere arrestato");
- bilaterality : The standard has two simultaneous functions: objective ( objectivity or rule of law) because it regulates the conduct of individuals in society, subjective (subjective rule of law) because it gives the individual damaged may to protect its interest.

The objective law is divided into public law and private law . The public
is the set of rules that regulate the activity of state bodies and the relationship between them and the citizens;
the private law is the set of rules governing the relations of citizens among themselves
A further definition of rule of law is as follows: the rule of law is an obligation both to allow, that is prohibited, whether requiring .

The sources of law

sources of law are the events or acts by which created the legal framework, stand out in sources of knowledge and sources of production . For
source of knowledge, being the set of documents which are contained legal previously formed and consolidated, such as, for example. the Constitution, the Official Gazette, Codes, etc.. For
source of production, means those acts and facts (the mechanisms or procedures) which are produced through the legal rules .

The hierarchy of

The most important of the sources of knowledge is the Constitution which dates back to the validity of all productive sources of law in our legal system.
Soon after the Constitution Constitutional Laws we find that the only laws that can modify or add to the Constitution.
level drops are in order of importance, the Community Regulations, which are "laws" issued by the European Parliament, the ordinary laws State, the Regulations and, last, and the Uses the Consuetudines .

constitutional laws

Because our Constitution is "stiff" to be able to amend or supplement is provided (Article 138) a particular procedure.
The bill for the amendment or inclusion must be approved by each House after two successive votes.
Between the first and second vote must be a period of not less than 90 days and that if the second vote the law was adopted by a majority that is between 50% + 1 and two-thirds of the members of each House, the law itself may be subject to a referendum if this is required:
a) one fifth of the members of a House or
b) by 500,000 voters, or
c) 5 Regional Councils.
The law submitted to referendum shall be enacted only if approved by a majority of voting citizens.
But if the second vote on the bill was passed by two-thirds of the members of each house there can be no referendum and the law will be promulgated immediately.

Community regulations

Community regulations are "laws" enacted The Parliament of the European Union and applicable to all Member States, like Italy, which are required to apply them.
This means that the laws enacted by the Italian government can not be in conflict with EC regulations so much so that in a possible dispute between the Trust and the Italian law judges must consider the priority of the first on the second.

The ordinary laws

Laws are enacted by those who, between the organs of the State has the power to enact, such laws can not be in conflict with either the Constitution nor with the EU regulations. The most important
ordinary laws are:
1) leggi in senso formale : sono tali le leggi emanate da un organo legislativo come il Parlamento o il Consiglio Regionale (che è il “Parlamento” delle Regioni);
2) leggi in senso materiale : sono tali le leggi emanate dal Governo il quale, pur non essendo un organo legislativo, può tuttavia emanarle ma solo a determinate condizioni;
le leggi in senso materiale si dividono in Decreti Legge ( D.L. ) e in Decreti Legislativi ( D.Lgs. , detti anche Decreti Delegati ).

Il procedimento seguito per la nascita di una legge ordinaria è il seguente:
1) presentazione one of the two chambers of the bill, the presentation can be made
a) by the Government;
b) by any one Parliamentary Assembly;
c) a Regional Council
d) by CNEL (The National Council for Economy and Labour, CNEL- is required by the Constitution of the Italian Republic, Art. 99 defines it:
" advisor to the Chambers and the Government for those matters and functions that attributed to him by law. It can initiate legislation and may contribute to the development the economic and social legislation according to the principles and within the limits prescribed by law ");
s) at least 50,000 voters.
2) The proposal, voted article by article and approved by one of the rooms, go to 'other room for a second vote, if it is positive to the proposal becomes law, otherwise the proposal should be postponed to the first room for the necessary changes.
3) The new law is being examined by the President of the Republic and later by promulgated and that he ordered that the law is published, observed and enforced.
4) The law was published in the Official Gazette (official publication of the Italian state where are the texts of all laws and other important documents, for example, the decisions and EU regulations, ministerial decrees, notices of competitions, etc.) and became the executive fifteenth day following its publication. The

DL is an interim measure issued by the Government in case of necessity and urgency: enter into force immediately and must be enacted into law by Parliament within 60 days. For this. must be submitted to both Houses on the same day of its enactment and if they do not approve of the decade DL retroactively. The
D. bye-law is a measure issued by the government but on behalf of Parliament precise and well defined area.


acts by administrative bodies are based on mutual option. Can not contain provisions contrary to the provisions of the law and serve to regulate specific functions or to explain how certain laws should be applied.

customs and practices

We intend these repetitions general, consistent and uniform certain behavior deemed proper by the public. Clearly it is not written sources, but by tradition handed down over time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fungal Infection On Anus

Via a bit 'of stones from shoes .. The fair value

  • Perchè sto attivando dei corsi, dopo che per anni ho criticato i corsi di parkour?
La scena del parkour in Italia esiste solo da 6 anni, da quando cioè, il primo workshop di parkour è stato fatto (2005, ). Da subito corsi di parkour sono sbucati in tutta Italia, alcuni addirittura rilasciavano certificati per l'insegnamento e altre patacche. Di fatto chi insegnava parkour aveva alle spalle si e no qualche anno di pratica e, ad andar bene, esperienze in altri campi. Al tempo nè David Belle nè gli Yamakasi si erano ancora espressi teaching, and the method of training was still unknown. Until a few years ago, so, I believed that those irresponsible and out of legality learning capabilities of parkour. Now that we have gone a bit 'of years and some actually increased, by training since then, things are a bit' different. Parkour is entered in the media and more and more guys are close, dangerously, on youtube. At this point I think a course of parkour, traceur held by an expert, is the best way (but not the only possible) to bring a newcomer to this discipline. So I decided to start courses for (1) forward, an increasing number of stakeholders, the parkour in the right way, ie not through easily misleading images (as explained in other post) but through a personal relationship (which is the only way to convey something that goes beyond the simple movements) and (2) to try to give a quality alternative to the spread of Parkour classes taught by inexperienced people.

  • Because I wanted to take the Adpative? and what do you think of certifications?
The desire to take the ADAPT we've had since, in Finland for a meeting, I learned a preview of its existence. Mainly the impetus was personal, the desire to test themselves and see if the most experienced practitioners of the world I thought could (ok, psicanalizzatemi pure :P). Poi, durante gli anni di attesa e durante le settimane di esame, la mia idea è venuta evolvendosi e ho capito che era necessario un sistema per decidere se legittimare o meno una persona ad insegnare il parkour. Sarò anche ingenuo, ma non credo che dietro alla certificazione di Parkour UK ci sia chissà quale business.. è il tentativo di fare un po' di chiarezza, altrimenti succede come nel mondo delle arti marziali: ognuno apre la sua scuola, tutti litigano su chi insegna lo stile veroe gli studenti non hanno nessuna garanzia di imparare quello che vogliono imparare. Ad ogni buon conto, al momento, non ritengo che chi non sia in possesso di una certificazione non possa o non debba insegnare, certe realtà in Italia sono serie ed affidabili, just do not appear distingubili from all the others, and a network of trust that is self-legitimizing milgiore I do not think the way: it remains a self-referential approach, local and Italian dangerously.

  • Why I will work in the gym, after deciding not to allenarmici myself?
The fact that, as already written in a previous post, I have no interest in the gym to train for me not to say that the gym should not be used (years ago, however, thought otherwise .. I was very hard line on this dot). I realized that of all the people who begin to practice parkour, only a minority will come to understand thoroughly and practice it seriously. Again, as in the martial arts, not all children who enroll in the course of Judo men faced an ever competitive match, the fact remains that all children who play Ottange of personal benefits. Hence the gym becomes a useful tool to bring as many people as possible, giving everyone an opportunity to choose whether to remain or become a traceur for students who want to keep fit or do some work 'on their balance, for example.

  • Why I made the choice to work as show business, advertising, or pay the same courses?
Here the main point of all this .. is always a question of money, in the end, right? Unfortunately, seeing a number of years traceur stop practicing to work commitments, I realized that the only way to stop exercising and do not begin to consider a hobby parkour Sunday, was to match my work commitments with those parkouristici. And then, after receiving the ADAPT, I triggered the chain of events that led me to decide to try to have an economic return that would allow me to continue to invest as long as I wanted, without prejudice to the question of ethics professional on which I have already said earlier.

Dedicated to my strictest critics, Viruz, and Lulu, and all those who go to the bottom if you do not see it clearly.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Happened To Kate's Playground


Observatory on the Balkans and Caucasus , Mihaela Iordache inspired by a tragedy that took place in the neonatal intensive care unit Giulesti hospital in Bucharest, where five babies have died and six others still struggling to live, we speak of the disastrous conditions in which the Romanian health system.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Broken Dodge Truck Rear Window


After the Court of Turin, also, that Salerno was convicted of conduct anti-union administration that aveva ritenuto di poter decidere, unilateralmente, su materie che i CCNL vigenti attribuiscono alla competenza della contrattazione integrativa, adducendo alla nuova disciplina contenuta nel decreto legislativo 150/09 (decreto Brunetta).

Atteggiamenti, questi, intrapresi da diverse Amministrazioni che non distinguono, forse volutamente, tra fase transitoria - art. 65 del d.l.vo 150/09 (che dura fino alla fine del 2011 per le Aziende del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), e fase a regime.

Nel merito della fase transitoria che affida alla contrattazione integrativa il compito di modificare gli assetti attuali ( contratto integrativo vigente) e solo dopo tale data prevede la loro decadenza, lasciando peraltro un vuoto normativo on how they should be replaced the decayed material, the second phase coincides with the coming on the law and then with the completion of the new model will begin with the establishment of the branches and areas of management and will end with the signing of collective bargaining for the years 2013 - 2015, since the block for contracts from 2010 to 2012.

Since the conclusion of new contracts of employment, may apply the laws that modify the decree. 165/2001 and national contracts that will own the other pillar is essential to the functioning of the new model.

In truth, therefore, that until the signing of the new national labor contract, continues to be in force considering the current national contracts, too, which is expected in all the clause which extended the term, even beyond the expiry date until the award of new contracts.

on these assumptions is based essentially the Judgement of the Court of Salerno, which reconstructs the decree of condemnation against a municipality, providing further information that matters relating to the remuneration as the national contract in the sector regions and local governments, provides for retention strengthened in favor of bargaining that the administration can not circumvent with unilateral decisions.

standards, they provided, even in existing contracts of staff Health Fund.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Unsecured Line Of Credit Table Canada

The role of voluntary codes of conduct

S i è detto che ogni sistema di governo societario si fonda sulle condizioni sociali, economiche, giuridiche e politiche nelle quali opera l’impresa. Alle regole che formano i diversi codici di autodisciplina non è attribuito il compito di incidere sulle scelte degli amministratori ovvero dei manager; esse tendono a evidenziare e minimizzare i rischi connessi alle deci sioni imprenditoriali, migliorando le condizioni generali nell’ambito delle quali la direzione dell’impresa opera e gestisce gli affari. In tal senso i codici rappresentano da un lato una necessaria traduzione e presentazione sistematica  delle norme di legge e regolamentari and on the other are aimed to formulate principles of conduct for companies that provide a profitable and proper relationship with the market. On the other hand, the same rules has also recognized the role of food independence and investor confidence on the loyalty of management to shareholders and the company. You can also add that sometimes the Code (best practice) is assigned the role of fill the gaps with self-regulatory solutions precept which, though not to be replaced by mandatory standards and mandatory
may contribute to the improvement of business law . Moreover, since the objective to achieve a reliable and efficient system of government-owned enterprise, it also derives from the minimization of the cost of capital in an international context of lively competition for access to financial markets. However, codes of conduct, not a medicine that cures all evil - however, when combined with more effective rules of prevention, punishment of acting in conflict of interest, abuse of corporate opportunities, insider trading by directors included in a more stringent discipline of accounting transparency, with particular reference to groups, reinforced by rules on internal control, including legislation on accountability and auditors - Can be a great way to bring the management of public company to the rules of fairness, that ethics and the law have placed first at the very basis of capitalism.

SOURCE: Thesis of P. Fabozzi, "Corporate governance and value creation: empirical analysis on listed companies'

View View.shtml Cinema

Corporate governance and ownership structure of the

L 'analysis of the ownership structure of an enterprise as a tool for Corporate Governance is divided in two aspects:

1) The composition of the ownership structure, which concerns the identity of the holders of shares of the company (management, I know ns subject public or private financial companies or non-financial, shareholder
individual or institutional investors).

2) The concentration of property rights, which affects the amount of shares held by each shareholder. A concentrated ownership structure is defined as the shareholders of the company consists of major shareholders who hold shares of the capital. The composition

and the degree of concentration of ownership structure overlap in the mechanisms for the exercise of corporate governance and, in some cases, in a manner inconsistent influence on value creation. In business, seldom we see a clear separation between ownership and control. It is common, in fact, the case in which the holders of control are also owners of a significant proportion of shares in the company or, conversely, in case the owners of a significant number of shares, by virtue of their equity position, have an important role in management. It is reasonable to assume that the presence of management in the corporate structure, producing a greater coincidence between ownership e controllo, conduce ad un migliore allineamento degli interessi dei soggetti titolari della gestione con quelli degli azionisti il che riduce i conflitti di interesse e si traduce, in ultima analisi, in un valore d’impresa più alto. D’altra parte, però, una concentrazione dei diritti di proprietà nelle mani del management può produrre pericolosi effetti di autoreferenza che pongono i dirigenti in una posizione di privilegio che gli permette di perseguire i propri interessi personali senza più la minaccia di essere rimpiazzati. Come sottolinea Holderness (2003) una struttura proprietaria concentrata potrebbe indurre i detentori di quote rilevanti di capitali ad esercitare il loro potere di voto per depauperare risorse or to enjoy benefits that are not shared with minority shareholders. These benefits can be either monetary, what are the disproportionate levels of remuneration which it may enjoy the shareholder-manager or synergies enjoyed by the holder of a controlling interest, and non-monetary, as the visibility enjoyed by those who check newspapers or sports clubs. A company with a widespread ownership, however, could produce lower performance. The presence of many shareholders who hold shares in a very little capital (type of public company) reduces, in fact, the incentive for the individual shareholder to take action to influence the decisions taken by the owners of the management and to expend resources to monitor the behavior of management. The concentration of ownership goes hand shareholders to exercise more control over management that results in a higher degree of efficiency and thus increase the total value of the business.

SOURCE: Thesis of P. Fabozzi, "Corporate governance and value creation: empirical analysis on listed companies'

Tricks In Pokemon Deluge


socio Sanitation deserve special attention on the recognition of their profession.

E 'This was the statement of the technical board FIALS established within the Ministry of Health to seek guidance unit, the same Ministry and the Conference of Regions, to give dignity to these professional and economic operators given the situation uneven among the different regions, not only for training and qualification courses, but also for activities that are handled by these professionals in health care.

Crucial to the table is the technical work being done by MIGEP (associations, trade unions, which represents the formation of the class), whose shares FIALS the principles and objectives laid on the table and the technician who is working to find workable solutions.

ministerial working at the table have been analyzed data from some regions, aimed at quantifying the socio sizes and Sanitation to highlight and compare the different criteria adopted by each region with regard to training.

The comparative assessment of these data revealed how the training programs are uneven from region to region both for the articulation of hours of course work and internships, however, modulated on the process of upgrading, both with regard to how di svolgimento dei corsi.

Si registra inoltre un progressivo ed omogeneo affidamento della formazione dalle Aziende Sanitarie Locali ad Istituti di formazione privati accreditati presso i competenti Assessorati del Lavoro, senza un preventivo esame del reale fabbisogno del sistema sanitario della figura dell’O.S.S.

Con riferimento alla formazione complementare si segnalano: a) la poca formazione per quel che riguarda la conoscenza delle patologie e scarsissima per quel che concerne l’insegnamento della farmacologia e dell’anatomia; b) la perdita di importanza della relazione con il paziente.

Durante i lavori della Commissione è emerso che nella Regione Lombardia oggi si continua a formare l’A.S.A.. That figure then he still works in social and health structures and assist at home. It 'was then asked the Commission how it can be reconciled within the national collective bargaining.

The working group has analyzed, including the report submitted by Migep, fully shared, and taken as a reference point in order to initiate the restatement of a uniform national curriculum for OSS.

Dr Leonardi, acting as representative of the Ministry, as well as having asked for more active cooperation in regions binding (Migep), trade unions, Ipasvi and midwives present at the technical table, then the working group formulated a number of questions:

· the OSS sizes are 100 000 trusted?;

100 000 · the OSS is a fact in line with the health care needs?;

What cleaning is the number of OSS to form in the opinion of the work table?;

· How many OSS are organic in health facilities and social assistance?;

• Which activities are required and carried out effectively?

Finally it was confirmed that with OSS, the training necessary to identify what are the gaps.

Working Table will continue its work at the end of September.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Moonstone Ring How To Make Maplestory

Aesthetics? Small gifts

remember exactly what David Belle, in an interview (I think in a trip to NY), emphasizes the "style" of a movement is to be put into the background, the ability to complete a "problem", that is to concentrate more on the physical qualities that allow us to perform one or more large movements (explosiveness, strength, focus, safety, etc. ..) rather than sharpen the lightness, the coordination and technique that allow us to maintain a perfect flow. I understand what the point of view of David Belle, moved pure utilitarianism: a firefighter who jumps off a roof and saves lives, 'Fuck the flow! But ..

I think some of aesthetics (it comes to natural beauty ), we are caught in the genes, during the long period in which hominids evolved may have set an aesthetic sense for movements done well cared for and safe. The adaptive value of this aesthetic sense is easily explained: I recognize the beauty in a well-executed movement (read safe, quiet and efficient), I try to imitate the beautiful (I focus more on the efficiency of my movements). Of course it's all a house of cards, my.

The fact remains that many students, like me, try in parkour not only an integrated system to overcome obstacles, but a total discipline, which allows us to continue to grow forever. Hence the "flow" takes an important place in my parkour. The value of "style", which we recognize now as when we see beauty from outside, is two-fold when we analyze it from within: it is a good way to stay focused on the present moment, the movement you are doing and not on what we wait a few seconds, and a meter that allows us to measure how " own motion."

Discipline is not so much about imposing something than focusing on what you do and try to give what you do some efficiency and style. So there's no like "I focus now because I'm training". Training is all the time and never ends, especially regarding the little details of life. If we take a seat, we try to be as silent and light as possible. If we open a door, same. We want to use a few energy as possible in the daily routine. We want to break the daily routine by being aware. That's discipline.

PS: Tra le due fotografie, quale movimento appaga maggiormente il vostro senso estetico? ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

License Name And Number For Plato Dvd Ripper

ego ..

Lo so, lo so, ma ho una buona scusa. Il videino (una giornata tra riprese e montaggio) che ho prodotto è dedicato a tutti i bergamaschi che spingono qualcosa, che lo fanno da tempo e con fotta, perchè la nostra è una promessa reciproca: tu spingi la tua roba che noi spingiamo la nostra, e tutti insieme siamo orgogliosi e contenti. Forse dall'esterno sembrerà un po' strano, ma la scena underground bergamasca è, per quanto possibile, integrata e solidale. Bergamo è un buco, ci si conosce tutti e ci si spinge. Troppo tempo è passato dalle mie ultime produzioni video e troppa gente continua a chiedermi se ho in programma nuovi video. Io ho provato a spiegargli che meno mi vedono su internet e più mi sto allenando, ma loro rimangono un po' delusi. Ecco quindi un omaggio a tutti i bergamaschi che mi danno la fotta e una piccola concessione al mio ego :) 

Più nello specifico, sul video.. (sempre riferito a questa analisi )
Autosservazione: l'utilizzo di una camera soggettiva porta numerosi vantaggi.. piani sequenza lunghi, sensazione realistica, pochi tagli.. purtroppo diventa difficile apprezzare i movimenti, ecco perchè ho usato un effetto wide, anche se un po' distorcente, permette di vedere almeno un po' il footwork e le mani (comunque più che far sembrare i movimenti più grossi, schiaccia le altezze..). La velocità was not changed while I was unable to give up a dedicated soundtrack. The course was really done in a day, "right first time" unless an 'exception (not because I had been wrong but the inclination of the room was wrong). The area was known but the movements have not been studied in detail.
Self: 3 / 5

PS: dedicated to the past, present and future of collective Paciana , BGS Team , Vocalamity , Check Point Charlie, Bergamoreggae , who paints, who sings, dances and those who caress the vinyl, the whole Bergamo pushing and resisting any new forma che si possa pensare, se c'è la mente la sostanza rimane antica. Menzione speciale per Il Baro , un'ispirazione.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Redskins Uniforms 2010

Expertise, electro Radio Vaticana caused cancer deaths among the 80 Study and 2003.

Expertise full text>>

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Brazilian Hollywood Or Las Vegaswax

Sometimes I wish it was like the parkour rap

  • Ogni tanto vorrei che il parkour fosse come il rap, vorrei che mi permettesse di esprimere chiaramente e direttamente i contenuti che mi stanno a cuore. Mi piacerebbe inserire nella mia tracciata un paio di rime sugli abusi dei preti o sul sessimo in televisione o sul razzismo della Lega. Vorrei che il mio parkour fosse riconosciuto "conscious" e che chiunque mi ascolti ed abbia voglia di capire, possa farlo, leggendo nero su bianco ciò che penso. Purtroppo il parkour non è questo, anzi. Trovo che la più Parkour is a true expression of intimacy, when I move through a prohibited area, alone in the evening. You understand well that 'this stuff does not lend itself very nor to become a communication tool nor to be taken and shared. It 'just to be lived in this, it is very impermanent.
  • few days ago a kid died, fell from the roof of a school, it fills me with bitterness. I have not seen the media lynching that is consumed at the expense of my discipline, I turned my gaze, I did not have the stomach to listen. Today, after a few days, I watch the reaction of the "community of faccialibro parkour." I myself could not resist a pubblicare il mio sfogo personale, insieme a decine di altri traceur e non. La cosa che mi ha indispettito è l'aver assistito alla nascita improvvisa di "eroi e paladini", protettori della sacra profondità dei valori del parkour. Sembra che di certi aspetti della disiplina ci si ricordi solo quando fa comodo .

Ora, che cosa c'entra la prima parte con la seconda, vi starete chiedendo.. Bene, eccovi accontentati. Dal momento che il parkour non è come il rap, per noi la veicolazione di un significato è una faccenda molto più delicata , fatta di immagini, parole ed azioni. Quello che dobbiamo fare tutti (prima di scrivere un bel little thought on facebook) is strive to produce consistent sense, whether on a blog or a video, in a gym or a workout. Values \u200b\u200bare first understood, then heard and then transmitted. You can not say everything and do the opposite of everything, even in Berlusconi's Italy at this. The journalists are often careless, but many times you let them do. We can not let a voice speak of simplicity while watching a flip, or later when we talk about self-discipline and prudent research and consistent, people will stay to wait for the next trick they forgot the rest. All this comes back on, if images of a video are inconsistent with the words of the narrator, is exactly come quando alle parole non si fanno seguire i fatti . A lungo andare si perde credibilità . Poi, quando la frittata è fatta, pestare i piedi serve a poco.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dell Webcam Not Detected


The Council of Ministers, welcoming the requirements of the European Court of Justice has given the green light to the introduction of an amendment to the corrective action (DL 78/2010), which provides for raising the retirement age to 65 years for public employees, starting from 1 January 2012.

The amendment has no effect on the so-called floating window introduced by the operation, which means that it receives the first paycheck for retirement a year after having completed the requirements.

Ministers Sacconi, Carfagna and Brunetta, during the press conference following the meeting of the Council of Ministers, explained that the savings generated by the measure will be merged at a strategic fund established at the Presidency Council, with the specific purpose of financing policies to support women and families.

It is estimated that between now and 2019 will be affected about 25,000 workers.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ozark Trail Hiking Boots


With the publication in the Official Gazette, Decree Law No 31 May 2010 78 enter into force on the so-called corrective action. Here are some of the news.

- For the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 the salary of employees and managers can not overcome the public's use of treatment in 2010.

- From 1 January 2011 until December 31, 2013 salaries over € 90,000 gross per annum shall be reduced by 5% for the excess of the above amount of up to 150,000 euro, and 10% for the portion exceeding € 150,000.

- The contract renewals for the 2008-2009 period, even if already signed, can not determine pay increases in excess of 3.2%.

- For the period 2010-2013 the assumptions may relate to only 20% of resources released from terminations.

- For 2014 recruitment may include only 50% of resources released from terminations.

- By 2015, recruitment may cover 100% of resources released from terminations. In each case the number of unit personnel to be hired must not exceed that of the units in the cease previous year.

- The assumptions are permitted if they certify terminations.

- As a result of savings of the employees and agreement, the level of funding of the NHS is restated with a reduction of EUR 418 million for the year 2011 and to € 1.132 billion from the year 2012.

- In the period 2010/2012 are not making the contract renewals. E 'subject to the payment of compensation for contractual holiday.

- At the end of a managerial position, you can give managers a job with lower economic position, even without a negative evaluation on the executive.

- The funding of the NHS is restated with a reduction of EUR 600 million from the year 2011.

- For those who reach the age limits for retirement by 2011, then change the start date of retirement. The four existing windows are replaced with a single window. The two annual windows are only for those that mature within the requirements of 31 December 2010. For employees, the effective date is set one year after the time they reach the age requirements and contribution.

- With effect from 1 January 2011 extended to civil servants, the calculation of the liquidation under the terms of severance pay, Art. 2120 of the Civil Code with the application dell’aliquota del 6,91%.

A decorrere dal 2011 le amministrazioni pubbliche:

- possono avvalersi di personale a tempo determinato o convenzionato ovvero con contratti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa, nel limite del 50% della spesa sostenuta per le stesse finalità nell’anno 2009.

- devono ridurre dell’80% rispetto al 2009 le spese per le consulenze conferite ai dipendenti pubblici.

- non possono effettuare spese per relazioni pubbliche, convegni, mostre, pubblicità per un ammontare superiore al 20% della spesa sostenuta nel 2009.

- non possono effettuare spese per sponsorizzazioni.

- devono ridurre del 20% rispetto al 2009 expenditure for the purchase, maintenance, and operation of rental cars.

- the annual costs of routine maintenance and repairs of buildings can not exceed 2% of the value of 'property, must comply with this provision also health agencies and hospitals as well as nursing homes and care of a scientific nature.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Maxine Party Invitations

ideas and schemino

Rielaborando parte del materiale che ho accumulato durante le settimane in Inghilterra e aggiungendo vari pensieri emersi negli ultimi mesi di allenamento, è saltato fuori questo schema. Lo schema è "nato" in inglese e così l'ho lasciato, temendo di perdere qualche concetto nella traduzione. Il tentativo è, una volta ancora, di visualizzare il parkour come disciplina ampia, usando le immagini piuttosto che i paragrafi, cercando di trovare una sintesi esaustiva.
In questo schemino (fatto a mano libera perchè mi viene più spontateno, è più veloce e istintivo) penso al parkour come la via per diventari maestri dello spostamento (come recita il motto di pkgen, tra l'altro). Per me essere "maestri dello spostamento" è come essere una pietra in bilico sopra una piramide, a sua volta sostenuta da tre pilastri. Senza i pilastri non può esserci la piramide, se la piramide cresce in maniera disarmonica la pietra cade.
Per quanto riguarda i 3 pilastri del parkour, ho attinto a piene mani dal materiale fornitomi da ParkourUK e scritto dagli Yamakasi, dai Traceur di Lisses e dagli inglesi di PkGen. La piramide, invece, è una mia idea.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Canon Slr Bag Quantaray


Just to keep track of events. A few days ago I became part of the extended family of team ParkourGenerations , Dan gave me officially welcome you on board. :)
Still a couple of days ago the news came out on the site of ' apki , here it is:

E' with great pleasure that in the face of reorganization and evolution of apki that keep us very committed, we can tell this great success Gato, alias Frederick Mazzoleni, which leads to the first an important recognition in Italy and a strong new incentive to proceed sulla strada iniziata:

Ad aprile ha partecipato al corso tenuto da ParkourUK in collaborazione con Parkour Generations per il rilascio della certificazione ADAPT di livello uno. Il corso è durato quattro giorni, ricchi di lezioni teoriche, allenamenti, esami scritti e pratici.
Inoltre, durante la permanenza, ha anche avuto modo di completare il tirocinio: una serie di lezioni tenute dagli insegnanti di Parkour Generations, alle quali Gato ha partecipato più o meno attivamente in qualità di insegnante , con un accertamento finale rilasciato da un detentore di ADAPT di livello tre (nel caso specifico  Forrest).

At the end of the internship, he was informed that, together with confirmation of a level (which qualifies him as an assistant teacher), was granted an exception to the level two (or have not recognized the change in level two 's commitment to support the price in the future), which makes Gato teacher parkour fledged .

According to the very words of those who drew up the certification: "ADAPT receive means to receive approval to teach the discipline of parkour / Article du deplacement the early practitioners and teachers of the world, including the Yamakasi e i traceur di Lisses, il luogo di nascita del parkour." Grande onore!

Gato si dice molto felice e soddisfatto della sua parentesi Londinese di questo Aprile e a parte la nuvola malefica (o provvidenziale) del vulcano islandese, il resto, dice, è andato tutto liscio. In questi giorni, inoltre, è stato annoverato tra gli insegnanti affiliati di Parkour Generations, altro evento che contribuisce a renderlo ancora più esaltato dell'esperienza.

A tutti coloro che stanno seguendo con fatica e sincerità la strada del parkour che i fondatori ci hanno mostrato e che apki per prima in Italia ha spinto, vuole dire this: "we are moving in the right direction!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3 Strand Faux Pearl Bracelet

Operatore socio Health: Ministry of Health technical panel - Regions and Trade Unions on the role, functions, training and planning, social and health needs

The FIALS will attend technical panel convened by the Ministry of Health Thursday, May 13 pv.

A preliminary meeting and fundamental, the UN Secretary General FIALS to compare the training and retraining courses implemented by different regions and is to take stock of the current function of the professional Social Health Operator, trying to verify any critical.

But it will be, too, the time for FIALS to raise the target, has been held at the Ministry of Health, an extended training of the profile in relation to social care needs required in our country is in 'healthcare and social.

Specifically, he argues, the Secretary of FIALS , it is clear that the development of professionalism of Social and Health can not stop only at the of specialization (OSSS) as in the different regions, which is desirable in an extension in the other, but also occur in the context of the specific role that would seem, at present, very narrow, that of belonging to the technical role in relation to the real functions and training.

It, too, that there are unique ministerial guidelines and explicit in all the regions for training and professional qualifications for the duties and functions of such operators, providing also for their professional development and ongoing mandatory conceivable with that of CME courses.

A professional profile that should find its place in the new contract more in line functions and training.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Radio Cb President Jack

ADAPT ADAPT Part 1 Part 2

My week in London, as well as being full of great workouts have been full of discussion, new concepts and perspectives unexplored. Here we have to formalize some 'new ideas that I've done.
  • classes, courses and gymnasiums. Notwithstanding that, I still find useless and dangerous exercise in the gym (but for myself, not for others, for reasons beyond the Parkour in the strict sense), I internalized a lot of ideas of Parkour Generations, after lengthy conversations with Johann, Blane, and Dan Forrest. The painful birth is this: we can not expect that persons engaged in the Parkour, the practice with the same depth with which we practice, we must be content to transfer what little good that every practitioner who want to assimilate. Now then, classes, courses and even in the gym classes in schools, shows another side: Parkour is a happy event, a way to stay fit and to improve its oversight of the movement in space, an excuse to do some 'motion, or even an antidote to obesity for child overweight. Yes, not all practitioners of parkour traceur will become, but that does not in any way mean that those who pass the courses can not begin to live as we lived we Parkour.
  • Standardization and certification. Well, at this point I was already pretty convinced. It 's good that they were the children of Parkour Generations and the ADDA to place obstacles and to recognize the certification. I am more convinced than ever that the only way to maintain a pure discipline, albeit with the possibility of transmitting at various levels. It 's like in martial arts, no one denies that a karateka should go to japan to have the most complete and real experience of the discipline (and it is safe to be expected that the consent of a teacher before teaching certificate), but a course taught by an Italian master well prepared (and certified by the Japanese masters) can change the life of a boy of 8 years. Maybe the kid will never be a great karateka (or will become, and went to study in a real dojo, following the instructions of his first teacher who is a real karate), but it's how well can you do? I think a lot.
  • job. Some of the team can live with Parkour Parkour Generations, sending it and continuing to grow at the same time. I can assure you that I have seen at first hand the difficulties of this life: work, as in London there is a lot, does not enrich anyone, really. Perhaps that in Italy you can survive in these knots? I think I'll try to find out.
  • structure of the course. Certainly there is to say that the kind of teaching that carry PkGen ADDA and is well different from the courses of "parkour" in the gym that you see on the network. I can assure you that the quality has not dropped and you do not do "things that bimbiminchia are willing to do so no more market." There is a strict professional ethics.
No one, certainly not me, to claim that we dream to become a traceur need to follow a course. But how many of us would be what they are without their first workshop of parkour? How many of us have often wished to have a mentor? And those who are wary of what you will learn more effectively by following an example? The central point is: who took that first workshop? Who was the example that we have followed? We had the good fortune to meet the founders, but what happens when they no longer have the time or inclination to continue the work? Parkour left to die? Or ask their permission to carry it forward?